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WASH FIT Consultancy in United States
The consultant will support the WASH Section at UNICEF HQ to provide technical support to countries on WASH FIT training and implementation in countries across the globe.
Consultant: Consultancy for review of quality programming in humanitarian action - Req.#580433 in United States
Focusing on trends and recurring challenges, the outcome of this consultancy will better inform UNICEF’s capacity to support the delivery of quality programming in humanitarian settings as defined in the CCCs. It will seek to make recommendations regarding required capacity and system changes and accountabilities amongst HQ divisions, and vis-à-vis regional and country offices to better ensure predictable, timely, and high-quality programme support. This work is critical to ensuring that UNICEF’s humanitarian interventions continue to save lives, alleviate suffering, and support long-term recovery and resilience for the most vulnerable populations affected by crises.
[REMOTE] Long-Term Agreement (LTA) Consultants for Recovery Programming in United States
The fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child, everywhere. Within UNICEF, the Programme Group (PG) provides global programme leadership to achieve results for the most disadvantaged and excluded children everywhere within the overall framework of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022–2025 and in response to the universal scope of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). PG leads UNICEF’s global programmatic vision to provide countries in all types of contexts with technical assistance (working closely with Regional Offices) to boost programme excellence as well as support to leverage evidence, partnerships, and innovations that can be adapted and taken to scale in different country contexts – including humanitarian settings and fragile and crisis-affected settings.
Consultoria Individual Internacional “Asistencia técnica para el fortalecimiento y expansión del Proyecto Transformar Normas Sociales para la Prevención de la Violencia en la Primera Infancia”, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 5 meses (Remoto) in Dominican Republic
Brindar asesoría técnica para el fortalecimiento del personal técnico vinculado al proyecto de crianza positiva y asistencia técnica general para la implementación, seguimiento y expansión de la estrategia nacional de prevención de violencia en la primera infancia.
Consultant national Rédacteur-journaliste, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 7 mois, à distance in Cote d'Ivoire
UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire va célébrer ses 35 ans d'engagement en faveur des droits de l'enfant et du développement durable. Dans le cadre de cet anniversaire, nous recherchons un.e rédacteur/rédactrice-journaliste talentueux.se pour la conception d'un livre illustré retraçant l'histoire, les réalisations et les impacts des actions menées par l'Organisation. Êtes-vous celui.celle qui saura mettre en lumière les moments clés, les témoignages et les succès d'UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire pendant ces 35 années ? Nous avons hâte de collaborer avec vous pour la réalisation de ce projet inspirant !
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