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Re-advertised: Communication Specialist, (P-4), WCARO Dakar, Senegal #52624 in Senegal
UNICEF's West and Central Africa Regional Office is recruiting a regional Communication Specialist who will be accountable for developing, managing and monitoring a public advocacy and communication strategy to promote awareness, understanding, support and respect for children’s and support for UNICEF's mission, priorities and programmes in West and Central Africa and at global level.
Readvertisement - International consultancy to support analysis of national budget allocations and expenditures on priority social sectors in Niger - Niamey, Niger (60 working days) in Niger
L’objectif principal de cette consultance est de mener une analyse budgétaire nationale et produire des analyses tendancielles des allocations et dépenses en faveur des secteurs sociaux prioritaires (santé - nutrition, éducation, protection de l’enfant, SBC) avec la production de 5 policy briefs (Analyse budgétaire nationale de la Loi de finance 2022-2023 ; Analyse budgétaire du secteur de la santé-nutrition, Analyse budgétaire du secteur de l’éducation, Analyse budgétaire du secteur de la protection de l’enfant, Analyse des allocations et des dépenses contributives au Changement Social et Comportemental en faveur de l’enfant) en utilisant une tendance historique des allocations budgétaires en faveur de chaque secteur dans le pays. Il s’agira de réfléchir à une approche qui permettrait de suivre les ressources financières allouées aux secteurs, en utilisant les budgets nationaux publiés dans le domaine public comme source de données.
Graphic design consultant (social media) - Ref#578440 in United States
Under the guidance of the Digital Communication Manager, the consultant will work with the Social Media Team to create innovative digital and offline communication materials in multiple languages which adhere to UNICEF’s brand guidelines.
Training and Outreach Consultant - Ref#578441 in United States
The ECCs help to raise understanding and awareness of ethics and integrity issues in relation to staff conduct by holding regular meetings for all personnel in their respective regional or country office and facilitating conversations around ethics-related topics, using case studies and presentations.
Data and Monitoring Consultant for Child Protection and Development - Ref#578444 in United States
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide support to the CPD team in the areas of ECD and with respect to some specific topics within child protection, namely birth registration, violence and children living outside of family care. The consultant will be supervised by the Senior Adviser, Statistics, Child Protection and Development within the Data and Analytics Section.
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