The consultant on adolescent health indicators will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing adolescent health indicators in Brazil, using GAMA indicators as reference. This analysis will aim to evaluate the current landscape of adolescent health data within the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde -SUS), identify gaps in coverage, and provide recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of these indicators for foster the National Policy for Comprehensive Health Care for Adolescents and Young People (PNAISAJ) and UNICEF strategies. The products of the consultancy will be presented in a high- level event (Workshop in person), in Brasilia.
Consultancy to update the debate, trends, and reference practices within the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde -SUS) and build a consistent theoretical repertoire on health in adolescence, and the experiences of actions carried out within the scope of the SUS on adolescents and young health of in recent years. The scope of this consultancy is to design the pilot project Adolescent-Friendly Health Services, to be implemented in Brazil.
L’objectif de la présente consultation est de faire l’état des lieux sur le corps de travail des services sociaux au Burundi (incluant les travailleurs sociaux étatiques et non-étatiques, les para professionnels ainsi que les acteurs communautaires) et de ressortir des recommandations qui pourront informer l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale de renforcement du corps de travail des services sociaux pour le Burundi, afin de mieux protéger les enfants contre les violences, l’abus et l’exploitation.
The Government of Belize, in partnership with UNICEF, is planning to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children, which will examine the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on children, adolescents, and vulnerable groups, including pregnant and lactating mothers and indigenous communities. The report will also explore the disaster risk framework and initiatives as well as the climate mitigation and adaptation efforts of neighboring countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, and regional coordination mechanisms like SICA, CCCCC, and the Mexico-Guatemala-Belize Trilateral Cooperation. The analysis will utilize evidence to provide actionable recommendations for key stakeholders, including government agencies, UNICEF, and regional partners, on how to effectively mitigate and adapt to climate change. These recommendations will aim to strengthen efforts to safeguard children’s rights and ensure a sustainable, climate-resilient future for Belize.
Interested applicants should submit a CV, methodology proposal, financial proposal, references, and a sample of previous work.
For full details on responsibilities, deliverables, and qualifications, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference.
Le consultant (e) national (e) va conduire, sous la supervision d’une consultante internationale dont le processus de sélection est finalisé, un travail qui consiste dans un premier temps à faire un état des lieux sur l’accès à la justice pour enfants au Burundi et dans un second temps à produire un document de stratégie nationale de protection des enfants en contact avec la loi.
Botswana Country Office seeks the services of a Learning Passport Consultant to manage and oversee the strategic post-launch implementation of the Learning Passport focusing on content development and management plan, user engagement, and monitoring, and evaluation (M&E).
This consultancy will support municipalities, and UNICEF plans to advance the self-assessment tool, making it more user-friendly through visual and functional improvements. Additionally, it will enhance the dashboard to display results at the municipal level, fostering transparency and engagement among the municipalities involved.
Under the direct supervision of the Child Protection Specialist in Sarajevo and with technical support from the Child Protection Officer, the consultant will support UNICEF in monitoring the protection situation of children on the move within and outside of reception facilities in Sarajevo Canton. The consultant is based in TRC Usivak, and requires the ability to problem solve, work effectively with diverse stakeholders and advocate for children as new issues and needs arise. This is especially important due to the expected protection risks and changes related to transitioning the protection services to the government counterparts.
Under the direct supervision of the Child Protection Specialist and with technical support from the Child Protection Officer, the consultant will support UNICEF in monitoring the protection situation of children on the move within and outside of reception facilities in Una -Sana Canton. The consultant is based in TRC Borici, and requires the ability to problem solve, work effectively with diverse stakeholders and advocate for children as new issues and needs arise. This is especially important due to the expected protection risks and changes related to transitioning the protection services to the government counterparts. This includes working with key counterparts to quickly identify solutions as new protection issues arise and practically applying the best interest of the child principle to a range of situations. Additional support to work in other locations may be required, depending on the refugee, migrant mixed migration flows, needs of children and the transition process.
Join UNICEF Bhutan Country Office as an Education Officer to support ECCD and monastic education on temporary appointment from April 2025 till February 2026. The Education Officer shall provide technical, and operational support throughout the programming process for ECCD and monastic education within the Country Programme under the supervision of the Education Specialist, Head of Education Section.
Under the supervision of Child Rights Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, and in close collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the consultant will support the adaptation and localization of the NRTD. The NRTD operates on JavaScript and TypeScript technologies, primarily built with React.js and Next.js. The consultant will assist in addressing a backlog of feature improvements, particularly in optimizing the control panel to improve user workflows and experiences. The consultant will provide technical expertise to enhance the platform’s functionality, and interoperability, ensuring its effective integration into the human rights reporting processes of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support to UNICEF country offices in BiH and Montenegro to assess the PPP landscape and the potential for mobilizing innovative financing solutions for expanding access to quality ECEC services, part of a broader initiative to leverage resources and results in ECEC in the Western Balkans. Further, the assignment will entail designing tailored public-private engagement pathways to inform and shape forthcoming UNICEF interventions in these countries.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support to UNICEF country offices in BiH and Montenegro to assess the PPP landscape and the potential for mobilizing innovative financing solutions for expanding access to quality ECEC services, part of a broader initiative to leverage resources and results in ECEC in the Western Balkans. Further, the assignment will entail designing tailored public-private engagement pathways to inform and shape forthcoming UNICEF interventions in these countries.
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des activités de santé communautaire, le consultant (e) national (e) spécialiste en suivi évaluation et gestion des données aura à apporter l’appui technique à l’ANSSP et principalement à la DHAB-SC pour renforcer la planification, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des interventions de santé communautaire de même que la gestion des données. Le(la) Chargé(e) du Suivi et de l’Évaluation va fournir une expertise professionnelle dans le suivi, l’évaluation, la collecte et la gestion de données, l’analyse statistique, la préparation de rapports. Il/elle contribue également à la mise en œuvre des programmes de formation pour renforcer les capacités des équipes dans la collecte, la gestion des données, le suivi et l’évaluation, avec une attention particulière à l’implication des principales parties prenantes dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique nationale de santé communautaire.
In 2022, Regional Advocacy & Communications and PFP-RSC teams worked on a Business to Business (B2B) communication toolkit with Red Havas. The toolkit was drafted to support PSFR countries and the RO to develop strategies to communicate better with a business audience. The toolkit includes guidance on media approaches (business); social media engagement (LinkedIn, X) and speaking opportunities (regional conferences).
To implement this work, regional LinkedIn profiles were initiated at the end of 2022. To continue its outreach to business prospects and High-Value donors, digital communications consultant will be assigned to monitor and manage those and other social media profiles to further position UNICEF as thought leader and a partner of choice and to strategically raise awareness and engage business audience on child rights.
Also, the consultant will support the inclusion of our advocacy priorities from a CRB perspective to ensure that we can urge business partners, and the business ecosystems, to improve their practices to respect and promote children rights.
The Social Policy Team of the UNICEF Thailand Country Office is seeking a qualified consultant who is experienced in employing strategic foresight methods, such as horizon scanning, megatrend analysis, scenario planning, future-proofing policies and back-casting, to undertake this analysis during this important window of opportunity.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
The consultant on adolescent health indicators will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing adolescent health indicators in Brazil, using GAMA indicators as reference. This analysis will aim to evaluate the current landscape of adolescent health data within the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde -SUS), identify gaps in coverage, and provide recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of these indicators for foster the National Policy for Comprehensive Health Care for Adolescents and Young People (PNAISAJ) and UNICEF strategies. The products of the consultancy will be presented in a high- level event (Workshop in person), in Brasilia.
Consultancy to update the debate, trends, and reference practices within the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde -SUS) and build a consistent theoretical repertoire on health in adolescence, and the experiences of actions carried out within the scope of the SUS on adolescents and young health of in recent years. The scope of this consultancy is to design the pilot project Adolescent-Friendly Health Services, to be implemented in Brazil.
L’objectif de la présente consultation est de faire l’état des lieux sur le corps de travail des services sociaux au Burundi (incluant les travailleurs sociaux étatiques et non-étatiques, les para professionnels ainsi que les acteurs communautaires) et de ressortir des recommandations qui pourront informer l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale de renforcement du corps de travail des services sociaux pour le Burundi, afin de mieux protéger les enfants contre les violences, l’abus et l’exploitation.
The Government of Belize, in partnership with UNICEF, is planning to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children, which will examine the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on children, adolescents, and vulnerable groups, including pregnant and lactating mothers and indigenous communities. The report will also explore the disaster risk framework and initiatives as well as the climate mitigation and adaptation efforts of neighboring countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, and regional coordination mechanisms like SICA, CCCCC, and the Mexico-Guatemala-Belize Trilateral Cooperation. The analysis will utilize evidence to provide actionable recommendations for key stakeholders, including government agencies, UNICEF, and regional partners, on how to effectively mitigate and adapt to climate change. These recommendations will aim to strengthen efforts to safeguard children’s rights and ensure a sustainable, climate-resilient future for Belize.
Interested applicants should submit a CV, methodology proposal, financial proposal, references, and a sample of previous work.
For full details on responsibilities, deliverables, and qualifications, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference.
Le consultant (e) national (e) va conduire, sous la supervision d’une consultante internationale dont le processus de sélection est finalisé, un travail qui consiste dans un premier temps à faire un état des lieux sur l’accès à la justice pour enfants au Burundi et dans un second temps à produire un document de stratégie nationale de protection des enfants en contact avec la loi.
Botswana Country Office seeks the services of a Learning Passport Consultant to manage and oversee the strategic post-launch implementation of the Learning Passport focusing on content development and management plan, user engagement, and monitoring, and evaluation (M&E).
This consultancy will support municipalities, and UNICEF plans to advance the self-assessment tool, making it more user-friendly through visual and functional improvements. Additionally, it will enhance the dashboard to display results at the municipal level, fostering transparency and engagement among the municipalities involved.
Under the direct supervision of the Child Protection Specialist in Sarajevo and with technical support from the Child Protection Officer, the consultant will support UNICEF in monitoring the protection situation of children on the move within and outside of reception facilities in Sarajevo Canton. The consultant is based in TRC Usivak, and requires the ability to problem solve, work effectively with diverse stakeholders and advocate for children as new issues and needs arise. This is especially important due to the expected protection risks and changes related to transitioning the protection services to the government counterparts.
Under the direct supervision of the Child Protection Specialist and with technical support from the Child Protection Officer, the consultant will support UNICEF in monitoring the protection situation of children on the move within and outside of reception facilities in Una -Sana Canton. The consultant is based in TRC Borici, and requires the ability to problem solve, work effectively with diverse stakeholders and advocate for children as new issues and needs arise. This is especially important due to the expected protection risks and changes related to transitioning the protection services to the government counterparts. This includes working with key counterparts to quickly identify solutions as new protection issues arise and practically applying the best interest of the child principle to a range of situations. Additional support to work in other locations may be required, depending on the refugee, migrant mixed migration flows, needs of children and the transition process.
Join UNICEF Bhutan Country Office as an Education Officer to support ECCD and monastic education on temporary appointment from April 2025 till February 2026. The Education Officer shall provide technical, and operational support throughout the programming process for ECCD and monastic education within the Country Programme under the supervision of the Education Specialist, Head of Education Section.
Under the supervision of Child Rights Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, and in close collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the consultant will support the adaptation and localization of the NRTD. The NRTD operates on JavaScript and TypeScript technologies, primarily built with React.js and Next.js. The consultant will assist in addressing a backlog of feature improvements, particularly in optimizing the control panel to improve user workflows and experiences. The consultant will provide technical expertise to enhance the platform’s functionality, and interoperability, ensuring its effective integration into the human rights reporting processes of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support to UNICEF country offices in BiH and Montenegro to assess the PPP landscape and the potential for mobilizing innovative financing solutions for expanding access to quality ECEC services, part of a broader initiative to leverage resources and results in ECEC in the Western Balkans. Further, the assignment will entail designing tailored public-private engagement pathways to inform and shape forthcoming UNICEF interventions in these countries.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support to UNICEF country offices in BiH and Montenegro to assess the PPP landscape and the potential for mobilizing innovative financing solutions for expanding access to quality ECEC services, part of a broader initiative to leverage resources and results in ECEC in the Western Balkans. Further, the assignment will entail designing tailored public-private engagement pathways to inform and shape forthcoming UNICEF interventions in these countries.
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des activités de santé communautaire, le consultant (e) national (e) spécialiste en suivi évaluation et gestion des données aura à apporter l’appui technique à l’ANSSP et principalement à la DHAB-SC pour renforcer la planification, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des interventions de santé communautaire de même que la gestion des données. Le(la) Chargé(e) du Suivi et de l’Évaluation va fournir une expertise professionnelle dans le suivi, l’évaluation, la collecte et la gestion de données, l’analyse statistique, la préparation de rapports. Il/elle contribue également à la mise en œuvre des programmes de formation pour renforcer les capacités des équipes dans la collecte, la gestion des données, le suivi et l’évaluation, avec une attention particulière à l’implication des principales parties prenantes dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique nationale de santé communautaire.
In 2022, Regional Advocacy & Communications and PFP-RSC teams worked on a Business to Business (B2B) communication toolkit with Red Havas. The toolkit was drafted to support PSFR countries and the RO to develop strategies to communicate better with a business audience. The toolkit includes guidance on media approaches (business); social media engagement (LinkedIn, X) and speaking opportunities (regional conferences).
To implement this work, regional LinkedIn profiles were initiated at the end of 2022. To continue its outreach to business prospects and High-Value donors, digital communications consultant will be assigned to monitor and manage those and other social media profiles to further position UNICEF as thought leader and a partner of choice and to strategically raise awareness and engage business audience on child rights.
Also, the consultant will support the inclusion of our advocacy priorities from a CRB perspective to ensure that we can urge business partners, and the business ecosystems, to improve their practices to respect and promote children rights.
The Social Policy Team of the UNICEF Thailand Country Office is seeking a qualified consultant who is experienced in employing strategic foresight methods, such as horizon scanning, megatrend analysis, scenario planning, future-proofing policies and back-casting, to undertake this analysis during this important window of opportunity.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.