UNICE is looking for a professional consultant who can contribute to strengthening the technical support provided by the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development of the AUC to AU Member States towards effective implementation of ongoing AU initiatives to end harmful practices on children, adolescent girls, and women with focus on Child Marriage, FGM and Violence.
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is recruiting a National Consultant to ensure an effective liaison and coordination between the National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the designated line ministries and government agencies, the UNICEF country and regional offices, and the international consulting firm.
Under the direct supervision of the Representative for the analysis and foresight aspects, with matrix management to the Senior Security Manager P5, the Security Analyst will provide specific analysis, advice, and support to the Sudan Country Office relative to the UNICEF Programme activities and operations in insecure areas as well as affected personnel and partners.
The incumbent will develop country specific thematic analysis of specific insecure areas, analysis of the underlying cause of inaccessibility and insecurity, the local dynamics, and planning and implementation of mitigation measures customized to the local context and risk analysis.
The incumbent will provide programmatic security support and analysis for all programs which will inform existing strategies, including communication and access strategies and provide the basis for measures to assist in reducing the number of targeted populations missed in hard-to-reach areas.
The purpose of the assignment is to support the acceleration of the implementation of several work streams of the Framework for Action -- Child Rights at UNICEF’s Core – developed following the Global Leadership Meeting decision to reinvigorate UNICEF’s child rights leadership and to make child rights the core of all UNICEF actions.
El ADAP Officer (NoA) brindará apoyo técnico y operativo en la implementación de programas y iniciativas que fortalezcan las oportunidades de desarrollo y participación de los adolescentes en Ecuador, promoviendo un enfoque integral en áreas clave como la educación, protección, la participación cívica, la salud y el bienestar mental.
Le Bureau de l’UNICEF de Ndjamena est à la recherche d’un(e) professionnel(le) engagé(e) et expérimenté(e) pour le poste d’Administrateur/trice Changement Social et Comportemental (Immunisation), au niveau NOB, TA. Placé(e)sous la responsabilité directe du chef de la section SBC et en étroite collaboration avec le Manager de l’unité immunisation, l’administrateur/trice apportera un appui technique et opérationnel à la planification, la mise en œuvre et au suivi et évaluation des stratégies CSC basées sur des évidences contribuant à l’amélioration de la demande des services de vaccination. Il/Elle assurera la pleine participation des partenaires gouvernementaux, des communautés et de la société civile afin d'obtenir des résultats concrets et durables qui vont contribuer à accroître l’immunité des enfants et les protéger contre les maladies évitables par la vaccination.
To build on previous UNICEF engagement towards the UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and significant progress with respect to integrating children and the resilience of essential services within core UNFCCC negotiations outcomes, a consultant is required to support consolidation and implementation of UNICEF’s SCAP policy strategy towards relevant climate, environment and disaster risk reduction processes at an intergovernmental and national level.
The main objective of this assignment is to contribute to the development of online training products and deliver key communications to train and support UNICEF's Drupal CMS users.
UNICEF Zambia is currently hiring a consultant to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the feasibility and potential of establishing a water treatment chemicals (WTC) production plant in Zambia.
UNICEF - Burkina Faso is recruiting a Youth Engagement (Adolescent) Officer - NOB, FT, based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
We are seeking a highly skilled data scientist / AI researcher to join our team and support the strategic AI school mapping project. The successful candidate will support the development of machine learning models to map school locations and ICT infrastructure as well as to generate new insights that will help Giga achieve its goal of connecting every school to the internet.
We are seeking a highly skilled data scientist / AI researcher to join our team and support both our data infrastructure and the strategic Quality of Service (QoS) analysis project. The successful candidate will support the development of machine learning models to analyze QoS Time Series data and integrate, curate and maintain the relevant data sources and processing code. All these will help Giga achieve its goal of connecting every school to the internet.
UNICEF Lebanon is looking for a Nutrition Specialist Sector Coordinator to provide leadership and representation of the Sector/Working Group at national level and Beirut Mount Lebanon Subnational coordination.
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is seeking a nutrition expert to support implementation of the Nutrition Operational Plan by building on existing initiatives and strengthening UNICEF TCO’s nutrition support to the Royal Thai Government.
UNICEF Pacific is in search of a dedicated and proactive international consultant to conduct Health Care Waste Assessment in Kiribati. The consultant will work under the general guidance and direct supervision of the Chief of WASH with support from the WASH Officer.
Favorecer el desarrollo de capacidades en el OCEV en el área de estadística para la planificación y aplicación de las Consultas Nacionales de logros de Aprendizaje en estudiantes del Subsistema de Educación Básica (período octubre de 2024 – octubre 2025) y el desarrollo de capacidades y fortalecimiento del sistema de gestión de información en monitoreo, seguimiento y gestión (levantamiento, procesamiento y socialización) de información – evidencias de manera oportuna sobre los indicadores de calidad educativa con énfasis en el modelo Escuelas Amigas de la Infancia (y el seguimiento a las escuelas piloto) orientados a la toma de decisiones de la Dirección General de Supervisión y Evaluación del Sistema Educativo del MPPE.
Fortalecer las capacidades en estadística del OCEV para el procesamiento, tabulación y análisis de la información obtenida a partir de la aplicación de las Consultas Nacionales de logros de Aprendizaje en estudiantes del Subsistema de Educación Básica (período octubre de 2024 – octubre 2025) y mejorar el sistema de gestión de información de la Dirección General de gestión escolar del sistema educativo del MPPE en el marco de EAI y en las escuelas priorizadas, con el fin de generar evidencias para la toma de decisiones.
Favorecer el desarrollo de capacidades en los procesos de análisis, interpretación y socialización de información de la medición de la calidad educativa que lleva adelante el Observatorio de la Calidad de la Calidad Educativa y la Dirección General de Supervisión y evaluación educativa del MPPE, con énfasis en el seguimiento de los avances en las escuelas priorizadas en el modelos de EAI.
Organization Context
The fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child, everywhere, in everything the organization does — in programs, in advocacy and in operations. The equity strategy, emphasizing the most disadvantaged and excluded children and families, translates this commitment to children’s rights into action. For UNICEF, equity means that all children have an opportunity to survive, develop and reach their full potential, without discrimination, bias or favoritism. To the degree that any child has an unequal chance in life — in its social, political, economic, civic and cultural dimensions — her or his rights are violated. There is growing evidence that investing in the health, education and protection of a society’s most disadvantaged citizens — addressing inequity — not only will give all children the opportunity to fulfill their potential but also will lead to sustained growth and stability of countries. This is why the focus on equity is so vital. It accelerates progress towards realizing the human rights of all children, which is the universal mandate of UNICEF, as outlined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, while also supporting the equitable development of nations.
Le bureau du Benin est à la recherche d'un Assistant(e) Principal (e) aux Approvisionnements, GS7 basé à Cotonou afin de contribuer à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.
UNICE is looking for a professional consultant who can contribute to strengthening the technical support provided by the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development of the AUC to AU Member States towards effective implementation of ongoing AU initiatives to end harmful practices on children, adolescent girls, and women with focus on Child Marriage, FGM and Violence.
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is recruiting a National Consultant to ensure an effective liaison and coordination between the National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the designated line ministries and government agencies, the UNICEF country and regional offices, and the international consulting firm.
Under the direct supervision of the Representative for the analysis and foresight aspects, with matrix management to the Senior Security Manager P5, the Security Analyst will provide specific analysis, advice, and support to the Sudan Country Office relative to the UNICEF Programme activities and operations in insecure areas as well as affected personnel and partners.
The incumbent will develop country specific thematic analysis of specific insecure areas, analysis of the underlying cause of inaccessibility and insecurity, the local dynamics, and planning and implementation of mitigation measures customized to the local context and risk analysis.
The incumbent will provide programmatic security support and analysis for all programs which will inform existing strategies, including communication and access strategies and provide the basis for measures to assist in reducing the number of targeted populations missed in hard-to-reach areas.
The purpose of the assignment is to support the acceleration of the implementation of several work streams of the Framework for Action -- Child Rights at UNICEF’s Core – developed following the Global Leadership Meeting decision to reinvigorate UNICEF’s child rights leadership and to make child rights the core of all UNICEF actions.
El ADAP Officer (NoA) brindará apoyo técnico y operativo en la implementación de programas y iniciativas que fortalezcan las oportunidades de desarrollo y participación de los adolescentes en Ecuador, promoviendo un enfoque integral en áreas clave como la educación, protección, la participación cívica, la salud y el bienestar mental.
Le Bureau de l’UNICEF de Ndjamena est à la recherche d’un(e) professionnel(le) engagé(e) et expérimenté(e) pour le poste d’Administrateur/trice Changement Social et Comportemental (Immunisation), au niveau NOB, TA. Placé(e)sous la responsabilité directe du chef de la section SBC et en étroite collaboration avec le Manager de l’unité immunisation, l’administrateur/trice apportera un appui technique et opérationnel à la planification, la mise en œuvre et au suivi et évaluation des stratégies CSC basées sur des évidences contribuant à l’amélioration de la demande des services de vaccination. Il/Elle assurera la pleine participation des partenaires gouvernementaux, des communautés et de la société civile afin d'obtenir des résultats concrets et durables qui vont contribuer à accroître l’immunité des enfants et les protéger contre les maladies évitables par la vaccination.
To build on previous UNICEF engagement towards the UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and significant progress with respect to integrating children and the resilience of essential services within core UNFCCC negotiations outcomes, a consultant is required to support consolidation and implementation of UNICEF’s SCAP policy strategy towards relevant climate, environment and disaster risk reduction processes at an intergovernmental and national level.
The main objective of this assignment is to contribute to the development of online training products and deliver key communications to train and support UNICEF's Drupal CMS users.
UNICEF Zambia is currently hiring a consultant to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the feasibility and potential of establishing a water treatment chemicals (WTC) production plant in Zambia.
UNICEF - Burkina Faso is recruiting a Youth Engagement (Adolescent) Officer - NOB, FT, based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
We are seeking a highly skilled data scientist / AI researcher to join our team and support the strategic AI school mapping project. The successful candidate will support the development of machine learning models to map school locations and ICT infrastructure as well as to generate new insights that will help Giga achieve its goal of connecting every school to the internet.
We are seeking a highly skilled data scientist / AI researcher to join our team and support both our data infrastructure and the strategic Quality of Service (QoS) analysis project. The successful candidate will support the development of machine learning models to analyze QoS Time Series data and integrate, curate and maintain the relevant data sources and processing code. All these will help Giga achieve its goal of connecting every school to the internet.
UNICEF Lebanon is looking for a Nutrition Specialist Sector Coordinator to provide leadership and representation of the Sector/Working Group at national level and Beirut Mount Lebanon Subnational coordination.
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is seeking a nutrition expert to support implementation of the Nutrition Operational Plan by building on existing initiatives and strengthening UNICEF TCO’s nutrition support to the Royal Thai Government.
UNICEF Pacific is in search of a dedicated and proactive international consultant to conduct Health Care Waste Assessment in Kiribati. The consultant will work under the general guidance and direct supervision of the Chief of WASH with support from the WASH Officer.
Favorecer el desarrollo de capacidades en el OCEV en el área de estadística para la planificación y aplicación de las Consultas Nacionales de logros de Aprendizaje en estudiantes del Subsistema de Educación Básica (período octubre de 2024 – octubre 2025) y el desarrollo de capacidades y fortalecimiento del sistema de gestión de información en monitoreo, seguimiento y gestión (levantamiento, procesamiento y socialización) de información – evidencias de manera oportuna sobre los indicadores de calidad educativa con énfasis en el modelo Escuelas Amigas de la Infancia (y el seguimiento a las escuelas piloto) orientados a la toma de decisiones de la Dirección General de Supervisión y Evaluación del Sistema Educativo del MPPE.
Fortalecer las capacidades en estadística del OCEV para el procesamiento, tabulación y análisis de la información obtenida a partir de la aplicación de las Consultas Nacionales de logros de Aprendizaje en estudiantes del Subsistema de Educación Básica (período octubre de 2024 – octubre 2025) y mejorar el sistema de gestión de información de la Dirección General de gestión escolar del sistema educativo del MPPE en el marco de EAI y en las escuelas priorizadas, con el fin de generar evidencias para la toma de decisiones.
Favorecer el desarrollo de capacidades en los procesos de análisis, interpretación y socialización de información de la medición de la calidad educativa que lleva adelante el Observatorio de la Calidad de la Calidad Educativa y la Dirección General de Supervisión y evaluación educativa del MPPE, con énfasis en el seguimiento de los avances en las escuelas priorizadas en el modelos de EAI.
Organization Context
The fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child, everywhere, in everything the organization does — in programs, in advocacy and in operations. The equity strategy, emphasizing the most disadvantaged and excluded children and families, translates this commitment to children’s rights into action. For UNICEF, equity means that all children have an opportunity to survive, develop and reach their full potential, without discrimination, bias or favoritism. To the degree that any child has an unequal chance in life — in its social, political, economic, civic and cultural dimensions — her or his rights are violated. There is growing evidence that investing in the health, education and protection of a society’s most disadvantaged citizens — addressing inequity — not only will give all children the opportunity to fulfill their potential but also will lead to sustained growth and stability of countries. This is why the focus on equity is so vital. It accelerates progress towards realizing the human rights of all children, which is the universal mandate of UNICEF, as outlined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, while also supporting the equitable development of nations.
Le bureau du Benin est à la recherche d'un Assistant(e) Principal (e) aux Approvisionnements, GS7 basé à Cotonou afin de contribuer à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.