The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support to UNICEF country offices in BiH and Montenegro to assess the PPP landscape and the potential for mobilizing innovative financing solutions for expanding access to quality ECEC services, part of a broader initiative to leverage resources and results in ECEC in the Western Balkans. Further, the assignment will entail designing tailored public-private engagement pathways to inform and shape forthcoming UNICEF interventions in these countries.
L’objectif général de la consultation est de réaliser l’étude de référence pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi du programme PASEREC sur l’ensemble des composantes du PASEREC en faisant ressortir le contexte actuel de la situation de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement dans les zones cibles du projet et au niveau de la gouvernance.
Renforcer l’appui technique de l’unité supply et logistique à travers le contrôle et la surveillance technique des travaux construction/réhabilitation et équipement des centres de vaccination internationale adaptés à la vaccination des adultes dans les Directions départementales de la santé, des Hôpitaux e des formations sanitaires des départements du Bénin et des travaux de mise aux normes et de réhabilitation du dépôt central des vaccins du PEV et d’espace de stockage à sec seront réalisés à l’annexe de l’Agence Nationale des Soins de Santé Primaires sise à Guinkomey à cotonou.
UNICEF is implementing the IPA2020 project, funded by EU, which includes the development of a digital system for child disability assessment and referral in the FBiH. Following the introduction of this reform, Ministries have allocated budgets and identified local/cantonal institutions as hubs for newly established full-time Assessment Teams. To enhance the efficiency of the new system, which requires referrals to multiple local social service providers, it must be transitioned to a digital platform with several key functionalities. A critical aspect of this system is the monitoring and reporting on the trends and needs of children with disabilities and their families, which will be used for more effective and efficient social service planning and delivery.
The purpose of this assignment is to assist in development and implementation of a child-centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) model in schools in selected municipalities/cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), guided by the principles and priorities of The Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) 2022-2030. The consultant will work closely with four schools in BiH to enhance their capacities and empower them to better prepare for and respond to disasters. A central focus of the assignment is to ensure children actively lead and participate in risk identification, planning, and implementation of activities that strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience within their schools. The developed CCDRR model should inform further scale up and the DRR strategic planning on all levels of governance in BiH. As such, it should serve as a model for the roll out of the CSSF in BiH.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide expert support to UNICEF country offices in BiH and Montenegro to assess the PPP landscape and the potential for mobilizing innovative financing solutions for expanding access to quality ECEC services, part of a broader initiative to leverage resources and results in ECEC in the Western Balkans. Further, the assignment will entail designing tailored public-private engagement pathways to inform and shape forthcoming UNICEF interventions in these countries.
L’objectif général de la consultation est de réaliser l’étude de référence pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi du programme PASEREC sur l’ensemble des composantes du PASEREC en faisant ressortir le contexte actuel de la situation de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement dans les zones cibles du projet et au niveau de la gouvernance.
Renforcer l’appui technique de l’unité supply et logistique à travers le contrôle et la surveillance technique des travaux construction/réhabilitation et équipement des centres de vaccination internationale adaptés à la vaccination des adultes dans les Directions départementales de la santé, des Hôpitaux e des formations sanitaires des départements du Bénin et des travaux de mise aux normes et de réhabilitation du dépôt central des vaccins du PEV et d’espace de stockage à sec seront réalisés à l’annexe de l’Agence Nationale des Soins de Santé Primaires sise à Guinkomey à cotonou.
UNICEF is implementing the IPA2020 project, funded by EU, which includes the development of a digital system for child disability assessment and referral in the FBiH. Following the introduction of this reform, Ministries have allocated budgets and identified local/cantonal institutions as hubs for newly established full-time Assessment Teams. To enhance the efficiency of the new system, which requires referrals to multiple local social service providers, it must be transitioned to a digital platform with several key functionalities. A critical aspect of this system is the monitoring and reporting on the trends and needs of children with disabilities and their families, which will be used for more effective and efficient social service planning and delivery.
The purpose of this assignment is to assist in development and implementation of a child-centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) model in schools in selected municipalities/cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), guided by the principles and priorities of The Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) 2022-2030. The consultant will work closely with four schools in BiH to enhance their capacities and empower them to better prepare for and respond to disasters. A central focus of the assignment is to ensure children actively lead and participate in risk identification, planning, and implementation of activities that strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience within their schools. The developed CCDRR model should inform further scale up and the DRR strategic planning on all levels of governance in BiH. As such, it should serve as a model for the roll out of the CSSF in BiH.