The Legal Affairs Specialist will give recommendations and advice on a wide range of organizational activities and interests, including, among other things, the interaction of UNICEF with governments and other key partners as well as on strategic initiatives across UNICEF. This support helps UNICEF to take advantage of development opportunities as well as safeguard the organization from risk. The Legal Team aims to identify and mitigate exposure to potential liability and financial loss, to safeguard the ability of the organization to be accountable to its stakeholders, and to preserve credibility as well as funding from member states and other donors, both public and private.
El objetivo general de la consultoria es brindar asesoramiento especializado en estándares internacionales de protección de la infancia a UNICEF en El Salvador para cumplir resultados propuestos en el marco del Programa para el País.
Desarrollar un estudio situacional respecto de los Centros de Adolescentes Infractores y un plan de fortalecimiento de capacidades, con énfasis en el Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura y el Mecanismo Nacional de Promoción y Protección de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes de la Defensoría del Pueblo.
The Legal Affairs Specialist will give recommendations and advice on a wide range of organizational activities and interests, and concern, among other things, the interaction of UNICEF with governments, commercial service providers and other key partners as well as on strategic initiatives across UNICEF. This support helps UNICEF to take advantage of opportunities as well as safeguard the organization from risk. The Legal Team aims to identify and mitigate exposure to potential liability and financial loss, to safeguard the ability of the organization to be accountable to its stakeholders, and to preserve credibility as well as funding from member states and other donors, both public and private.
Under the supervision of the Chief, Education, the Education Officer (Pre-School / Early Childhood Education (ECE) provides technical, operational, and administrative support to the ECE programme, ensuring alignment with UNICEF’s strategic objectives, national priorities, and the emerging needs of children and families in Ukraine. This includes coordination in emergencies, strengthening ECE systems, supporting policy and curriculum development, and fostering innovative approaches to service delivery.
The Legal Affairs Specialist will give recommendations and advice on a wide range of organizational activities and interests, including, among other things, the interaction of UNICEF with governments and other key partners as well as on strategic initiatives across UNICEF. This support helps UNICEF to take advantage of development opportunities as well as safeguard the organization from risk. The Legal Team aims to identify and mitigate exposure to potential liability and financial loss, to safeguard the ability of the organization to be accountable to its stakeholders, and to preserve credibility as well as funding from member states and other donors, both public and private.
El objetivo general de la consultoria es brindar asesoramiento especializado en estándares internacionales de protección de la infancia a UNICEF en El Salvador para cumplir resultados propuestos en el marco del Programa para el País.
Desarrollar un estudio situacional respecto de los Centros de Adolescentes Infractores y un plan de fortalecimiento de capacidades, con énfasis en el Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura y el Mecanismo Nacional de Promoción y Protección de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes de la Defensoría del Pueblo.
The Legal Affairs Specialist will give recommendations and advice on a wide range of organizational activities and interests, and concern, among other things, the interaction of UNICEF with governments, commercial service providers and other key partners as well as on strategic initiatives across UNICEF. This support helps UNICEF to take advantage of opportunities as well as safeguard the organization from risk. The Legal Team aims to identify and mitigate exposure to potential liability and financial loss, to safeguard the ability of the organization to be accountable to its stakeholders, and to preserve credibility as well as funding from member states and other donors, both public and private.
Under the supervision of the Chief, Education, the Education Officer (Pre-School / Early Childhood Education (ECE) provides technical, operational, and administrative support to the ECE programme, ensuring alignment with UNICEF’s strategic objectives, national priorities, and the emerging needs of children and families in Ukraine. This includes coordination in emergencies, strengthening ECE systems, supporting policy and curriculum development, and fostering innovative approaches to service delivery.