The purpose of the contract is to support the pilot testing of proposed methods and indicators for the monitoring of the Child Wasting Cascade. There will be comprehensive pilots with monitoring indicators for screening, treatment and prevention implemented in at least two countries and smaller scale specific topical pilots implemented in other countries
The Legal Affairs Specialist will give recommendations and advice on a wide range of organizational activities and interests, including, among other things, the interaction of UNICEF with governments and other key partners as well as on strategic initiatives across UNICEF. This support helps UNICEF to take advantage of development opportunities as well as safeguard the organization from risk. The Legal Team aims to identify and mitigate exposure to potential liability and financial loss, to safeguard the ability of the organization to be accountable to its stakeholders, and to preserve credibility as well as funding from member states and other donors, both public and private.
The UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office is looking for a Immunization specialist to provide UNICEF's strategic and technical leadership on polio eradication agenda in the five countries of Lake Chad Basin, namely Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria.
The Chief, NY Facilities and Administration, under the overall guidance and within delegated authority of the Comptroller, is responsible for the UNICEF NY buildings management which includes, Real Estate Planning and Strategy, Capital projects development and implementation, Space Management, and Customer Helpdesk.
Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Communication du Bureau du Mali, qui coordonne les travaux de communication du PAFEEM, le Consultant National en Communication développera et mettra en œuvre une approche stratégique pour la communication et la visibilité de la composante 3 du projet PAFEEM, mis en œuvre par l'UNICEF, intitulé « Soutien aux activités génératrices de revenus et à la création d'emplois ».
The purpose of the contract is to support the pilot testing of proposed methods and indicators for the monitoring of the Child Wasting Cascade. There will be comprehensive pilots with monitoring indicators for screening, treatment and prevention implemented in at least two countries and smaller scale specific topical pilots implemented in other countries
The Legal Affairs Specialist will give recommendations and advice on a wide range of organizational activities and interests, including, among other things, the interaction of UNICEF with governments and other key partners as well as on strategic initiatives across UNICEF. This support helps UNICEF to take advantage of development opportunities as well as safeguard the organization from risk. The Legal Team aims to identify and mitigate exposure to potential liability and financial loss, to safeguard the ability of the organization to be accountable to its stakeholders, and to preserve credibility as well as funding from member states and other donors, both public and private.
The UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office is looking for a Immunization specialist to provide UNICEF's strategic and technical leadership on polio eradication agenda in the five countries of Lake Chad Basin, namely Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria.
The Chief, NY Facilities and Administration, under the overall guidance and within delegated authority of the Comptroller, is responsible for the UNICEF NY buildings management which includes, Real Estate Planning and Strategy, Capital projects development and implementation, Space Management, and Customer Helpdesk.
Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Communication du Bureau du Mali, qui coordonne les travaux de communication du PAFEEM, le Consultant National en Communication développera et mettra en œuvre une approche stratégique pour la communication et la visibilité de la composante 3 du projet PAFEEM, mis en œuvre par l'UNICEF, intitulé « Soutien aux activités génératrices de revenus et à la création d'emplois ».