Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Communication du Bureau du Mali, qui coordonne les travaux de communication du PAFEEM, le Consultant National en Communication développera et mettra en œuvre une approche stratégique pour la communication et la visibilité de la composante 3 du projet PAFEEM, mis en œuvre par l'UNICEF, intitulé « Soutien aux activités génératrices de revenus et à la création d'emplois ».
UNICEF Nigeria Country Office in Abuja, Nigeria is seeking a passionate and committed person to work in the role of a data consultant and invites applications from highly motivated and committed persons who want to contribute to results for children. If you are that person, we encourage you to apply and become part of a highly motivated and committed team.
To drive the SafeChild project implementation across various teams, the project team is looking for an experienced project manager with a passion for digital transformation, cybersecurity and child rights as well as previous UN experience. The project manager will coordinate all operational aspects of the project, including preparation of the steering committees, supporting the coordination of project timeline and deliverables, risk management, budget and reporting. The project manager might also support communications as needed. The project manager will support the organization of two global trainings and an expert forum and panel discussion in Luxembourg, to be organized under the SafeChild initiative. In doing so, the project manager will collaborate across various teams in ICTD headquarters and regional offices. Lastly, the project manager will ensure integration of the SafeChild project in the broader TeamOne initiative, focusing on ensuring synergies, alignment and a cohesive approach to digital capacity related initiatives in ICTD and UNICEF.
A National Advocacy and Communications Consultant for the Advocacy and Communications section at UNICEF Ghana to support youth engagement activities around U-Report and donor visibility.
Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Communication du Bureau du Mali, qui coordonne les travaux de communication du PAFEEM, le Consultant National en Communication développera et mettra en œuvre une approche stratégique pour la communication et la visibilité de la composante 3 du projet PAFEEM, mis en œuvre par l'UNICEF, intitulé « Soutien aux activités génératrices de revenus et à la création d'emplois ».
UNICEF Nigeria Country Office in Abuja, Nigeria is seeking a passionate and committed person to work in the role of a data consultant and invites applications from highly motivated and committed persons who want to contribute to results for children. If you are that person, we encourage you to apply and become part of a highly motivated and committed team.
To drive the SafeChild project implementation across various teams, the project team is looking for an experienced project manager with a passion for digital transformation, cybersecurity and child rights as well as previous UN experience. The project manager will coordinate all operational aspects of the project, including preparation of the steering committees, supporting the coordination of project timeline and deliverables, risk management, budget and reporting. The project manager might also support communications as needed. The project manager will support the organization of two global trainings and an expert forum and panel discussion in Luxembourg, to be organized under the SafeChild initiative. In doing so, the project manager will collaborate across various teams in ICTD headquarters and regional offices. Lastly, the project manager will ensure integration of the SafeChild project in the broader TeamOne initiative, focusing on ensuring synergies, alignment and a cohesive approach to digital capacity related initiatives in ICTD and UNICEF.
A National Advocacy and Communications Consultant for the Advocacy and Communications section at UNICEF Ghana to support youth engagement activities around U-Report and donor visibility.