UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) is looking for a qualified Consultant to provide technical guidance and direct country support to enhance the inclusion of children and people with disabilities in humanitarian action and improve the quality and outreach of disability inclusive interventions from the stage of emergency preparedness through to recovery.
UNICEF's Office of Innovation seeks a highly motivated individual who is a subject matter expert in the field of Business / Management who will assist the office in analyzing new insights discovered through various Nodes collaboration, assisting in the discovery of new topics to be explored by Nodes, as well as the development of novel Knowledge Products.
The purpose of this LTA is to provide support to the Quality Assurance process of UNICEF managed evaluations, assisting ESAR Regional Office and Country Offices to ensure that evaluations in the region meet the highest quality and ethical standards. In particular, it will support a more efficient and regionalized production of high-quality evidence that will feed into UNICEF programming and advocacy efforts, supporting the decision-makers to make informed choices and plan strategically. To this end, UNICEF seeks to establish a pool of LTAs with individual consultants to provide professional, practical, timely and constructive feedback on the range of evaluative products that ESA Regional Office and Country Offices manage and commission.
La Guinée est un pays à revenu intermédiaire de la tranche inférieure qui doit faire face à des défis importants en matière de développement de l'enfant et de privations. Selon le dernier rapport sur l'Indice de développement humain (IDH), la Guinée a un IDH de 0,480, se classant 178e sur 191 pays en 2023, ce qui reflète sa lutte permanente contre la pauvreté et les problèmes de développement social. Depuis 1984, l'UNICEF travaille avec le gouvernement et divers partenaires, dont des agences de l'ONU, des ONG et des organisations communautaires, afin d'améliorer les conditions de vie des enfants.
Fortalecer las competencias que favorezcan el desarrollo infantil temprano en el personal de cuidado y de educación, grupos familiares y comunitarios, equipos técnicos y jurisdiccionales, a través de instancias y dispositivos de promoción y formación.
UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) is looking for a qualified Consultant to provide technical guidance and direct country support to enhance the inclusion of children and people with disabilities in humanitarian action and improve the quality and outreach of disability inclusive interventions from the stage of emergency preparedness through to recovery.
UNICEF's Office of Innovation seeks a highly motivated individual who is a subject matter expert in the field of Business / Management who will assist the office in analyzing new insights discovered through various Nodes collaboration, assisting in the discovery of new topics to be explored by Nodes, as well as the development of novel Knowledge Products.
The purpose of this LTA is to provide support to the Quality Assurance process of UNICEF managed evaluations, assisting ESAR Regional Office and Country Offices to ensure that evaluations in the region meet the highest quality and ethical standards. In particular, it will support a more efficient and regionalized production of high-quality evidence that will feed into UNICEF programming and advocacy efforts, supporting the decision-makers to make informed choices and plan strategically. To this end, UNICEF seeks to establish a pool of LTAs with individual consultants to provide professional, practical, timely and constructive feedback on the range of evaluative products that ESA Regional Office and Country Offices manage and commission.
La Guinée est un pays à revenu intermédiaire de la tranche inférieure qui doit faire face à des défis importants en matière de développement de l'enfant et de privations. Selon le dernier rapport sur l'Indice de développement humain (IDH), la Guinée a un IDH de 0,480, se classant 178e sur 191 pays en 2023, ce qui reflète sa lutte permanente contre la pauvreté et les problèmes de développement social. Depuis 1984, l'UNICEF travaille avec le gouvernement et divers partenaires, dont des agences de l'ONU, des ONG et des organisations communautaires, afin d'améliorer les conditions de vie des enfants.
Fortalecer las competencias que favorezcan el desarrollo infantil temprano en el personal de cuidado y de educación, grupos familiares y comunitarios, equipos técnicos y jurisdiccionales, a través de instancias y dispositivos de promoción y formación.