UNICEF Montenegro is looking for an experienced professional for consultancy assignment: National Consultant to support National Statistical Office and UNICEF in preparation and implementation of MICS7.
National individual consultant to provide professional technical support to the Health and Nutrition section of UNICEF for the priority activities essential to strengthen health emergency response capacity and human resources capacity for pandemic preparedness and response in the country
The international consultant will be tasked to develop the curriculum of the STEM clubs, teacher guide and the corresponding teaching and learning materials. The international consultant will work closely with MOPSE, UNICEF CO team and national consultant to complete the task.
The Consultant will also provide support in evaluation of bidding/tender documents for procurement of the required STEM kits and other equipment for the established ICT/STEM rooms in schools.
L’objectif général de cette mission est d’examiner en profondeur la performance du GEC dans la mise en œuvre de ses objectifs stratégiques, en analysant la pertinence, l’efficacité et l’impact des actions menées. Elle vise également à identifier les meilleures pratiques, les enseignements tirés ainsi que les domaines nécessitant des améliorations, afin de renforcer la contribution du GEC au développement inclusif, durable et résilient du Mali.
La consultoría tiene como propósito apoyar la implementación del plan de trabajo 2025 del área de Políticas Sociales, en consideración a las actividades vinculadas al programa de cooperación de UNICEF Chile1 en Protección Social de niños, niñas y adolescentes.
El área de Comunicaciones se encuentra realizando un proceso de selección de profesionales especializados en cobertura periodísca, creación documental, generación de contenidos para redes sociales y/o post-producción digital, para contar con un grupo de proveedores externos de servicios audiovisuales para múlples plataformas.
UNICEF BiH is looking for one national individual consultant to be contracted for a total of 41 working days over a period of 4 months. The consultant will work with the UNICEF Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Office and the UNICEF Office of Research- Innocenti to prepare and implement the data collection and analysis and to produce the report.
International consultant is required to provide technical expertise in research methodology, and tool development to support the Centre in designing rigorous methodologies and research tools for these studies. The consultant will work closely with NASP and the Uzbekistan Columbia Centre to develop research methodologies, design data collection tools, and guide the local research team.
if you are committed, passionate about results for children, we are looking for you! The Specialist supports the development and preparation of the Education programmes and is responsible for managing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the progress of education programmes/projects within the regional programme.
Purpose of Activity/Assignment:
The purpose of this consultancy is to support NEPI, MoPH, UNICEF, and partners in conducting the EVMA and developing a multiyear cIP based on the EVMA results.
UNICEF in Turkmenistan looks for a national expert to technically support the MICS+ survey with the planning, implementation and completion of the MICS+ survey in Turkmenistan.
Education Section is seeking an intern to work on basic education and adolescent programmes, especially the TVET Adolescent Life Skills Development project, Social and Emotional Learning Project, Sports for Development project, out-of-school adolescents initiatives.
UNICEF Guatemala contratará a un/a consultor/a para brindar acompañamiento, asesoría estratégica y técnica a nivel municipal para impulsar municipios resilientes y promover el análisis de sistemas de información, así como validación y recopilación de información comunitaria para el desarrollo de aplicaciones que permitan la transformación digital de municipios ubicados en el departamento de Escuintla, Guatemala.
UNICEF Guatemala contratará a un/a consultor/a para realizar un análisis integral y brindar asesoría técnica y estratégica para la revisión de la regulación necesaria que permita garantizar el acceso gratuito a Internet en las escuelas públicas de Guatemala.
if you are committed, passionate about results for children, we are looking for you! The consultant will review the UNICEF Latin American and Caribbean Regional Strategic plan for immunization to update its data points based on last immunization data available and align key interventions based on the updated context to effectively address the backsliding of immunization program in general, and the status of zero dose children in particular.
UNICEF seeks to hire an experienced, results oriented International consultant to assist UNICEF Lesotho Country Office in revision of the current manuals for the NISSA and the MISSA, and where needed, draft new manuals for the NISSA and the MISSA in alignment with the upgraded systems to meet all the requirements of the social protection delivery value chain.
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a data assistant to provide support to the WASH programme in its NWASH application and assist Palikas in generating reports. This support assignment is for 5 months.
UNICEF Montenegro is looking for an experienced professional for consultancy assignment: National Consultant to support National Statistical Office and UNICEF in preparation and implementation of MICS7.
National individual consultant to provide professional technical support to the Health and Nutrition section of UNICEF for the priority activities essential to strengthen health emergency response capacity and human resources capacity for pandemic preparedness and response in the country
The international consultant will be tasked to develop the curriculum of the STEM clubs, teacher guide and the corresponding teaching and learning materials. The international consultant will work closely with MOPSE, UNICEF CO team and national consultant to complete the task.
The Consultant will also provide support in evaluation of bidding/tender documents for procurement of the required STEM kits and other equipment for the established ICT/STEM rooms in schools.
L’objectif général de cette mission est d’examiner en profondeur la performance du GEC dans la mise en œuvre de ses objectifs stratégiques, en analysant la pertinence, l’efficacité et l’impact des actions menées. Elle vise également à identifier les meilleures pratiques, les enseignements tirés ainsi que les domaines nécessitant des améliorations, afin de renforcer la contribution du GEC au développement inclusif, durable et résilient du Mali.
La consultoría tiene como propósito apoyar la implementación del plan de trabajo 2025 del área de Políticas Sociales, en consideración a las actividades vinculadas al programa de cooperación de UNICEF Chile1 en Protección Social de niños, niñas y adolescentes.
El área de Comunicaciones se encuentra realizando un proceso de selección de profesionales especializados en cobertura periodísca, creación documental, generación de contenidos para redes sociales y/o post-producción digital, para contar con un grupo de proveedores externos de servicios audiovisuales para múlples plataformas.
UNICEF BiH is looking for one national individual consultant to be contracted for a total of 41 working days over a period of 4 months. The consultant will work with the UNICEF Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Office and the UNICEF Office of Research- Innocenti to prepare and implement the data collection and analysis and to produce the report.
International consultant is required to provide technical expertise in research methodology, and tool development to support the Centre in designing rigorous methodologies and research tools for these studies. The consultant will work closely with NASP and the Uzbekistan Columbia Centre to develop research methodologies, design data collection tools, and guide the local research team.
if you are committed, passionate about results for children, we are looking for you! The Specialist supports the development and preparation of the Education programmes and is responsible for managing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the progress of education programmes/projects within the regional programme.
Purpose of Activity/Assignment:
The purpose of this consultancy is to support NEPI, MoPH, UNICEF, and partners in conducting the EVMA and developing a multiyear cIP based on the EVMA results.
UNICEF in Turkmenistan looks for a national expert to technically support the MICS+ survey with the planning, implementation and completion of the MICS+ survey in Turkmenistan.
Education Section is seeking an intern to work on basic education and adolescent programmes, especially the TVET Adolescent Life Skills Development project, Social and Emotional Learning Project, Sports for Development project, out-of-school adolescents initiatives.
UNICEF Guatemala contratará a un/a consultor/a para brindar acompañamiento, asesoría estratégica y técnica a nivel municipal para impulsar municipios resilientes y promover el análisis de sistemas de información, así como validación y recopilación de información comunitaria para el desarrollo de aplicaciones que permitan la transformación digital de municipios ubicados en el departamento de Escuintla, Guatemala.
UNICEF Guatemala contratará a un/a consultor/a para realizar un análisis integral y brindar asesoría técnica y estratégica para la revisión de la regulación necesaria que permita garantizar el acceso gratuito a Internet en las escuelas públicas de Guatemala.
if you are committed, passionate about results for children, we are looking for you! The consultant will review the UNICEF Latin American and Caribbean Regional Strategic plan for immunization to update its data points based on last immunization data available and align key interventions based on the updated context to effectively address the backsliding of immunization program in general, and the status of zero dose children in particular.
UNICEF seeks to hire an experienced, results oriented International consultant to assist UNICEF Lesotho Country Office in revision of the current manuals for the NISSA and the MISSA, and where needed, draft new manuals for the NISSA and the MISSA in alignment with the upgraded systems to meet all the requirements of the social protection delivery value chain.
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a data assistant to provide support to the WASH programme in its NWASH application and assist Palikas in generating reports. This support assignment is for 5 months.