L'UNICEF travaille dans certains des endroits les plus difficiles du monde, pour atteindre les enfants les plus défavorisés de la planète. Pour sauver leur vie. Pour défendre leurs droits. Pour les aider à réaliser leur potentiel.
Dans 190 pays et territoires, nous travaillons pour chaque enfant, partout, chaque jour, afin de construire un monde meilleur pour tous.
Et nous n'abandonnons jamais.
UNICEF Nigeria is seeking a passionate and committed person to work in the role of social policy specialist and invites applications from highly motivated and committed persons who want to contribute to results for children. If you are that person, we encourage you to apply and become part of a highly motivated and committed team.
UNICEF Nigeria is seeking for a passionate and skilled Health & Nutrition Officer, NOB and invites applications from highly motivated and committed persons who want to contribute to making a difference and getting results for children. If you are that person, we encourage you to apply and become part of a highly motivated and dynamic team.
This consultancy aims to support the development of a comprehensive Knowledge Management Plan for the Business Model Learning Labs (BMLLs) initiative in ECAR, ensuring effective information management, knowledge capture, and dissemination.
The Programme Manager reports to the Senior Progamme Manager (Social Recovery Office) for general guidance and direction, and is responsible for leading, managing and supervising all stages of the Office’s programming and related advocacy from strategic planning and formulation to delivery of concrete and sustainable results. This includes programmes aimed at improving (a) public policies to reduce child poverty; (b) social protection coverage and impact on children; (c) the transparency, adequacy, equity and efficiency of child-focused public investments and financial management; and (d) governance, decentralization and accountability measures to increase public participation and the quality, equity and coverage of social services.
L'UNICEF travaille dans certains des endroits les plus difficiles du monde, pour atteindre les enfants les plus défavorisés de la planète. Pour sauver leur vie. Pour défendre leurs droits. Pour les aider à réaliser leur potentiel.
Dans 190 pays et territoires, nous travaillons pour chaque enfant, partout, chaque jour, afin de construire un monde meilleur pour tous.
Et nous n'abandonnons jamais.
UNICEF Nigeria is seeking a passionate and committed person to work in the role of social policy specialist and invites applications from highly motivated and committed persons who want to contribute to results for children. If you are that person, we encourage you to apply and become part of a highly motivated and committed team.
UNICEF Nigeria is seeking for a passionate and skilled Health & Nutrition Officer, NOB and invites applications from highly motivated and committed persons who want to contribute to making a difference and getting results for children. If you are that person, we encourage you to apply and become part of a highly motivated and dynamic team.
This consultancy aims to support the development of a comprehensive Knowledge Management Plan for the Business Model Learning Labs (BMLLs) initiative in ECAR, ensuring effective information management, knowledge capture, and dissemination.
The Programme Manager reports to the Senior Progamme Manager (Social Recovery Office) for general guidance and direction, and is responsible for leading, managing and supervising all stages of the Office’s programming and related advocacy from strategic planning and formulation to delivery of concrete and sustainable results. This includes programmes aimed at improving (a) public policies to reduce child poverty; (b) social protection coverage and impact on children; (c) the transparency, adequacy, equity and efficiency of child-focused public investments and financial management; and (d) governance, decentralization and accountability measures to increase public participation and the quality, equity and coverage of social services.