Provide technical support in building national capacity for the school-based deployment of digital learning in Public Education in line with developed Education Technology Integration Framework, to support teaching and learning.
Under the supervision of the Chief Health Section, the Primary Health Care (PHC) Specialist is responsible for managing, coordinating, and implementing the EU-funded Ezaka ho Tomady PHC project across six regions of Madagascar. This includes the priority regions of Diana, Vakinankaratra, Haute Matsiatra, and Atsimo Atsinanana, as well as the regions of the "Pacte vert project," Androy and Anosy. The project’s goal is to improve access to and the use of quality health services, particularly for mothers, children, adolescents (especially girls), and vulnerable populations. The focus is on enhancing maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent healthcare at basic health facilities and district hospitals.
The PHC Specialist maintains technical communication with the European Union Delegation and works closely with the other components of the “UE Santé - Ezaka ho Tomady” program, especially the coordination and operational research teams. They oversee the implementation of the PHC project and contribute to monitoring the overall program through periodic coordination meetings with the EU Delegation’s Technical Team and government counterparts.
The PHC Specialist supervises project staff, including District Technical Assistance, Hospital Doctors, Consultants, and NGOs. They also guide cross-functional contributions from central-level staff. Collaboration with UNICEF's Health Section ensures alignment with UNICEF's reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) objectives. The PHC Specialist identifies obstacles to project progress, proposes solutions, conducts field visits, and participates in technical and steering committees. They ensure compliance with donor financial requirements and produce necessary reports.
Join UNICEF Bhutan Country Office as an Education Officer to support ECCD and monastic education on temporary appointment from April 2025 till February 2026. The Education Officer shall provide technical, and operational support throughout the programming process for ECCD and monastic education within the Country Programme under the supervision of the Education Specialist, Head of Education Section.
Afin d’harmoniser les procédures dans les centres vonjy sur la base des leçons tirées du fonctionnement de ce modèle depuis leur création en 2015, et d’améliorer la qualité des services fournis aux enfants par ces Centres, l’UNICEF se propose de soutenir ses partenaires par une consultance et un appui technique. Il s’agit d’effectuer un état des lieux sur l’efficacité et l’accessibilité et une évaluation prospective des services de prise en charge des Centres Vonjy, d’harmoniser les procédures et d’établir un modèle standard pour assurer la qualité des services offerts aux victimes conformément aux normes internationales pour la pérennisation au niveau national.
Provide technical support in building national capacity for the school-based deployment of digital learning in Public Education in line with developed Education Technology Integration Framework, to support teaching and learning.
Under the supervision of the Chief Health Section, the Primary Health Care (PHC) Specialist is responsible for managing, coordinating, and implementing the EU-funded Ezaka ho Tomady PHC project across six regions of Madagascar. This includes the priority regions of Diana, Vakinankaratra, Haute Matsiatra, and Atsimo Atsinanana, as well as the regions of the "Pacte vert project," Androy and Anosy. The project’s goal is to improve access to and the use of quality health services, particularly for mothers, children, adolescents (especially girls), and vulnerable populations. The focus is on enhancing maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent healthcare at basic health facilities and district hospitals.
The PHC Specialist maintains technical communication with the European Union Delegation and works closely with the other components of the “UE Santé - Ezaka ho Tomady” program, especially the coordination and operational research teams. They oversee the implementation of the PHC project and contribute to monitoring the overall program through periodic coordination meetings with the EU Delegation’s Technical Team and government counterparts.
The PHC Specialist supervises project staff, including District Technical Assistance, Hospital Doctors, Consultants, and NGOs. They also guide cross-functional contributions from central-level staff. Collaboration with UNICEF's Health Section ensures alignment with UNICEF's reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) objectives. The PHC Specialist identifies obstacles to project progress, proposes solutions, conducts field visits, and participates in technical and steering committees. They ensure compliance with donor financial requirements and produce necessary reports.
Join UNICEF Bhutan Country Office as an Education Officer to support ECCD and monastic education on temporary appointment from April 2025 till February 2026. The Education Officer shall provide technical, and operational support throughout the programming process for ECCD and monastic education within the Country Programme under the supervision of the Education Specialist, Head of Education Section.
Afin d’harmoniser les procédures dans les centres vonjy sur la base des leçons tirées du fonctionnement de ce modèle depuis leur création en 2015, et d’améliorer la qualité des services fournis aux enfants par ces Centres, l’UNICEF se propose de soutenir ses partenaires par une consultance et un appui technique. Il s’agit d’effectuer un état des lieux sur l’efficacité et l’accessibilité et une évaluation prospective des services de prise en charge des Centres Vonjy, d’harmoniser les procédures et d’établir un modèle standard pour assurer la qualité des services offerts aux victimes conformément aux normes internationales pour la pérennisation au niveau national.