Scope of Work:
The scope of the gender review will cover pre-school and basic education (grade 1-9) education levels, including alternative education (i.e. formal and non-formal accelerated learning programmes, skills development, vocational trainings, employability programmes).
The consultant is expected to:
- Develop a timeline and methodology for data collection and analysis, including both qualitative and quantitative data. The methodology should include a desk-review of existing laws, MENESIC and government policies, sector development plans, the national budget, administrative data from the EMIS and school mapping, academic research, the Partnership Compact and other GPE strategic documents, and identify key stakeholders and actors to be interviewed (e.g., government agencies, NGOs, teachers, parents, civil society, community leaders, students, etc.).
- Review the Guinea-Bissau curriculum, including teaching and learning materials, as well as teaching practices through sites visits and classroom observations, to assess the extent to which they are gender sensitive (or transformative).
- Conduct qualitative data collection, including but not limited to secondary document review data collection, and primary research including interviews, focus groups, site visits and classroom observations.
- Complete an analysis of quantitative data, including EMIS, school mapping, and budget data
- Analyse the social, cultural, or economic barriers (within and outside of the education sector) that impede girls’ right to quality education in Guinea-Bissau, as well as concrete suggestions on how to address the root causes of these barriers
- Develop a comprehensive gender analysis that examines the extent to which the Guinea-Bissau education system is gender sensitive/gender transformative, as well as recommendations on how to transform the education system so that it is more equitable for girls and boys. The gender analysis should, at a minimum, examine the following components:
- Enabling environment and governance (education policies and budgets, monitoring and supervision)
- Access (infrastructure, safety and violence)
- Quality and learning outcomes (teacher attitudes and practices related to gender, curriculum)
The gender analysis should propose actionable recommendations to address identified gaps and challenges, as well as include at least one case study highlighting systemic/supply-side barriers or demand-side barriers (social, cultural, and economic) impeding access to education for adolescent girls.
- Present the findings to stakeholders for validation and feedback and collaborate on a roadmap for implementing recommendations, including developing a framework for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of recommendations (including indicators to track progress on gender equity in the education sector).
Work Assignment #1
Develop a comprehensive timeline and methodology for data collection and analysis, review key policy documents and strategies related to education and gender, analyse curriculum materials for gender biases, examine relevant laws and plans, and identify key stakeholders for collaboration.
Deliverables (10 working days)
Work Assignment #2
Analyse the social, cultural, and economic barriers to gender equality in education and their intersection with factors like poverty, ethnicity, and disability, using a structured methodology that includes interviews, focus groups, and surveys with diverse stakeholders.
Assess disparities in access, quality, and learning outcomes in pre-school and basic education levels, while evaluating gender-sensitive features of school infrastructure (including WASH facilities), safety mechanisms, and teacher practices.
Review the integration of gender equity in policies, budgets, textbooks, and education management systems to identify gaps and recommend improvements.
Propose prioritized, actionable recommendations achievable in 3-5 years.
Provide a concise report with findings, supported by data and case studies.
Deliverables (30 working days)
- A comprehensive Gender Analysis of the Education Sector Report is submitted in Portuguese and English*, including:
- A desk review of key policies, strategies, education sector budgets, projects and interventions to identify gender gaps and challenges;
- Findings from interviews, focus groups, and surveys with students, teachers, parents, and education authorities;
- Detailed analysis of gender disparities in access, quality, and learning outcomes in pre-school and basic education levels;
- Recommendations to address identified barriers and disparities in education access, quality, and outcomes;
- At least one case study highlighting systemic/supply-side barriers or demand-side barriers (social, cultural, and economic) impeding access to education for adolescent girls, including possible responses
Work Assignment #3
Present findings for stakeholder validation.
Develop a collaborative implementation roadmap, that integrate a monitoring and evaluation framework with indicators.
Deliverables (5 working days)
A national workshop is organised with key stakeholders and findings from the Rapid Gender Analysis are validated.
A PowerPoint presentation (in Portuguese) which summarizes the Gender Analysis with slide(s) on Key findings and
A roadmap (in Portuguese) to support implementation of recommendations is developed with SMART indicators.