RE-ADVERTISED: National Consultant to support National Statistical Office and UNICEF in preparation and implementation of MICS7
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Job no: 580176
Contract type: Consultant
Duty Station: Podgorica
Level: Consultancy
Location: Montenegro
Categories: Adolescent Development, Child Protection, Education, Gender Development, Health, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, Social Policy, WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Early Childhood Development, Knowledge Management, Innovation, Programme Management, Social and Behavior Change, Health and Nutrition, Research, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, UN Volunteer
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone. And we never give up.
UNICEF’s active commitment towards diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable candidates from diverse populations, including but not limited to people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
For every child, equity.
The 2025-2026 MICS will be implemented using CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing), in which the interviewer uses a tablet to record data. CAPI data collection reduces the time needed to collect and process.
How can you make a difference?
Under the overall supervision of the UNICEF Montenegro Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, the National MICS Consultant (NMC) will support and provide guidance to UNICEF Montenegro and the MONSTAT for the preparation, implementation and completion of the MICS survey in Montenegro. Scope of the work:
1. Provide technical and managerial support to the MICS Team in MONSTAT,
2. Present the MICS methodology, tools, and guidelines to partners/stakeholders (e.g., ministries, UN Agencies, etc.),
3. Finalize, in collaboration with national partners and UNICEF Montenegro, the Survey Plan and Budget, including the timetable, and share with the Regional MICS Coordinator,
4. Ensure that the Ethical Protocol and other ethical recommendations are addressed in the survey implementation process and that all MICS-related documents are shared with the national/international Ethical Committee on time for approval,
5. Oversee each stage of the survey process and ensure that the MICS protocols and standards are followed by the MONSTAT, more specifically during training and field supervision visits,
6. Communicate regularly with the UNICEF CO and/or the UNICEF MICS Team, responding to all MICS-related issues in a timely manner,
7. Provide monthly updates on MICS activities to the UNICEF Montenegro and Regional MICS Coordinator,
8. Coordinate the work of MONSTAT specialists and the UNICEF MICS Team, and other resource persons assigned by the UNICEF CO and/or the UNICEF MICS Team to support different survey stages,
9. Ensure that external technical reviews by experts (i.e., Sampling, Data Processing, and Household Survey experts and consultants) are carried out at key survey stages and coordinate the feedback and response between the CO, the UNICEF MICS Team and the MONSTAT,
10. Ensure that all survey-related documents and deliverables are properly archived throughout the survey process (for example: Memorandum of Understanding, Survey Plan and Budget, questionnaires, manuals, sample design, training/pre-test reports, expert reports, CAPI application, field check tables, output and tabulation plan tables, syntaxes, datasets, cluster geocodes, boundary shapefiles, Survey Findings Report, Statistical Snapshots, dissemination materials, etc.),11. Participate in all MICS Steering and Technical Committee meetings,12. Participate in, and contribute to MICS Regional Workshops,13. Organize, as required, and facilitate the national Data Interpretation and Report Compilation Workshop,14. Ensure that lessons learned, problems, and good practices are documented throughout the MICS process and rapidly shared with the MICS community (other MICS implementing countries and the UNICEF MICS Team) through all means available,15. Support planning and customization of other MICS initiatives (MICS Plus, MICS GIS, MICS Link) in collaboration with the relevant experts of these initiatives from the Global MICS Team. The survey will be administered in line with the Procedure for Ethical Standards in Research, Evaluation, and Data Collection and Analysis (UNICEF, 2015) to ensure the highest ethical standards in all stages of the survey implementation. This is necessary both and as a significant contributor to ensuring quality and accountability in the evidence generation process, especially when it involves children (as is the case with MICS). To achieve that goal, UNICEF Country Office in Montenegro will engage international independent Ethical Review Committee, who will review and approve survey methodologies and final reports, before their publication.As per the Terms of Reference, functions of the Ethical Review Committee include the following: 1) Reviewing Relevant Research, Data Collection and Analysis Inception Reports, focusing on a detailed research methodology: to contribute to respect and protection of dignity, rights, safety and well-being of all children, groups and persons related to the concerned project/programme/activity. This would include participants in the research/evaluation, community at large, researchers, research community and institution/s. The Committee months of interviewing phase, however, is expected to: Provide feedback on the proposed research methodology within 5 working days following the submission. Provide feedback on the draft survey report no later than 5 working days following the submission. Provide feedback on the final survey report no later than 5 working days following the submission. When a full or expedited review is required and the arrangements and timelines for both. Where significant ethical issues arise or where significant changes to the methodology or project occurs during the implementation of the project, the Committee should be notified and a decision made as to whether the changes or issues require ethical review.2) Analysis and Documentation: Ensuring targeted capacity building of national partners through training and sessions related to ethics and other relevant issues of social research and continuous learning at UNICEF Montenegro.3) One of the fieldwork coordinators will be appointed as the focal point for ethical considerations and safeguarding.
1. Lead MICS7 survey planning process and logistics with MONSTAT and UNICEF Montenegro CO. 1.1. Conduct a data-gap assessment.
1.2. Organize Sampling Mission and provide relevant documents and materials as needed. 1.3. Develop Country Survey Plan document along with annexures.
1.4. Support MONSTAT in establishing steering and technical committees.
1.5. Coordinate for Enumeration Areas (EA) GPS data and complete GIS exercise with support of external expert. 1.6. Facilitate sampling mission from ECARO. |
1.1. Montenegro Country data-gap assessment report available and validated by MONSTAT and ECARO MICS team. 1.2. Sampling mission conducted by ECARO and report available to MONSTAT. 1.3. ECARO-reviewed Country Survey Plan and annexures.
1.4. Steering and Technical Committees formally established and functional. 1.5. GPS coordinates available for MICS7 use.
1.6. ECARO sampling mission completed; report available for MONSTAT review and finalization.
Mid-March - Mid May, 2025 |
2. Lead MICS7 survey planning process and logistics with MONSTAT and UNICEF Montenegro CO. 2.1. Procurement of survey materials such as tablets and accessories, scales, boards, water quality testing equipment and GPS units.
2.2. Personnel recruitment and preparation.
2.3. Customization of MICS7 questionnaires/module-questions and fieldwork manuals (including translation and back translation of questionnaires and translation of manuals as necessary. 2.4. Pre-testing of questionnaires. |
2.1. Supported procurement request by the office for supplies listed in MICS document and available for MICS main training and main fieldwork. 2.2. Recruitment process documentation available, including selection reports for activities such as listing, pre-test, test of CAPI, main field work and data processing. 2.3. Translated and back-translated questionnaires and manuals finalized and reviewed by ECARO. 2.4. Pre-testing report available and finalize questionnaires available for Montenegro CAPI application. |
1st May -30th June 2025 |
3. Facilitate Data processing programmes (CAPI) and listing exercise. 3.1. Organize data processing workshop with ECARO/HQ MICS team. 3.2. Support to customize CAPI application. 3.3. Facilitate training and conduct test of customized CAPI application in the field. 3.4. Coordinate and facilitate sample design and listing operation by MONSTAT in coordination with ECARO SAMPLING Expert |
3.1. Data processing workshop conducted; test report available with final tested CAPI version. 3.2. Customized CAPI application deployed and tested. 3.3. Field testing report available confirming successful CAPI customization. 3.4. Listing operation report available, entered sample EAs and households in Montenegro MICS7 CAPI application. |
1st July-30th Sept 2025 |
4. Coordinate field staff training and Fieldwork 4.1. Train fieldwork personnel and conduct a pilot study
4.1. Fieldwork personnel identified and trained. It includes training schedules are adequately adapted to the county context while following MICS guidelines. Appropriate resource persons are identified to facilitate training (i.e., nutritionists for anthropometry training, survey experts for methodology, etc.) |
1st September- 30 November 2025
5.1. Field Check Tables are produced on a weekly basis and fieldwork status updates (open/closed EAs) available from CAPI system. 5.2. Field data collection quality assurance ensured during fieldwork. 5.3. Track field work progress regularly monitored. |
1st Dec 2026 – 30 Jan 2026
6.1. Secondary editing completed, in coordination with MONSTAT and ECARO MICS team. 6.2. Customized TabPla and SPSS syntaxes, populate tabulation plan, sample weights calculation excel file, final weights and included in the datasets available in close coordination with ECARO sampling expert and MONSTAT. 6.3. Anonymized datasets, populated TabPlan and geocodes available, include the wealth index. |
1st Feb 2026 -30th March 2026
7. Report writing and dissemination. 7.1. Facilitate In-Country Data Interpretation and Report. Compilation (DIRC) Workshop. 7.2. Finalize and publish Statistical Snapshots. 7.3. Facilitate preparation of Survey Findings Report (SFR). 7.4. The printing and distribution of the Survey Findings Report (SFR) and Statistical Snapshots are coordinated. 7.5. Archive all MICS documents and materials. |
7.1. DIRC Workshop report available. 7.2. Final SNAPSHOTS available and uploaded to MICS website. 7.3. Final SFR available and uploaded to MICS website along with datasets. 7.4. Survey Findings Report (SFR) and Statistical Snapshots printing and distribution coordinated. 7.5. Survey documents, reports, photos and materials archived in MICS ECARO SharePoint page (the final reports/documents are considered once it is reviewed and accepted by UNICEF.
1 April - 30 May 2026 |
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
Education: Master’s degree in, Demography, Statistics, Social Sciences, Epidemiology, or any other related technical field is required. PhD is desirable. Skills and Experience: University degree in, Demography, Statistics, Social Sciences, Epidemiology, or any other related technical field is required; Proven minimum of 5-year experience in the coordination and/or management of quantitative household surveys (prior MICS or Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)) preferred; Strong computer skills and strong expertise in statistical analyses (familiarity with data processing and data analysis software, particularly SPSS); Experience with CAPI data collection; Training experience and ability to organize and facilitate training and presentations; Experience in data analysis and survey report writing; Previous working experience with UN/UNICEF on similar assignments. Language: Excellent oral and written communication in Montenegrin and English language is required.
Other competencies: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Familiarity and previous experience of working in Montenegro and/or in the region are highly desirable. Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and to establish harmonious and effective relationships both within and outside the organization, more specifically with National Statistical Offices. Demonstrated leadership, managerial and supervisory ability. Ability and willingness to travel extensively in-country and to attend regional workshops.Other: Confidentiality of Data and MICS documents.
Payment instruction: The payments will be made upon successful completion of the deliverables and submission of invoices. The Consultant is to develop a lump sum in line with the latest GSSC payment instructions. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines.
e-Learning: Upon conducting the recruitment process and prior to the signing of the contract, the consultant will be required to complete the following online courses. All certificates should be presented as part of the contract. 1. Ethics and Integrity at UNICEF, 2. Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority (PSEAA), 3. Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse (PSEA).Before commencement of any travel on behalf of UNICEF, the Consultants must complete course on General Information Security Awareness Course.In addition to above, any consultant who is issued a UNICEF email address must complete the following courses no later than 30 days after signature of contract: Fraud Awareness. General Information Security Awareness Course (only for consultants with a UNICEF email address). The above courses can be found on Agora through the following link: AGORA: Log in to the site ( completion certificates should be shared and retained with the human resources unit of the hiring office. Selection methodology: All applicants will be screened against qualifications and requirements set above. Candidates fully meeting all the requirements will be further evaluated based on the criteria below. The proposal will be evaluated against the following criteria:A) Technical criteria – Technical evaluation process / Maximum points: 70
1. Technical Criteria – please select: Desk review of CVs - 70 % of total evaluation– max. 70 points(Education: 15 points, Previous experience: 25 points,Technical questions at interview: 30 points).Only candidates who obtained at least 70% of points from the technical part (who will score at least 49 points) will be qualified for considering for financial proposal evaluation.
B) Financial criteria – evaluation of financial proposal - Maximum points: 30
The applicants are requested to submit their financial proposal as a separate document consisting of all-inclusive professional fee for the services to be provided. Financial scores will be calculated using the formula [lowest offer / financial offer of the candidate x 30].
For every Child, you demonstrate… UNICEF's values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Accountability, and Sustainability (CRITAS). To view our competency framework, please visit here.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious or ethnic background, and persons with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization. To create a more inclusive workplace, UNICEF offers paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. Click here to learn more about flexible work arrangements, well-being, and benefits. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. In its Disability Inclusion Policy and Strategy 2022-2030, UNICEF has committed to increase the number of employees with disabilities by 2030. At UNICEF, we provide reasonable accommodation for work-related support requirements of candidates and employees with disabilities. Also, UNICEF has launched a Global Accessibility Helpdesk to strengthen physical and digital accessibility. If you are an applicant with a disability who needs digital accessibility support in completing the online application, please submit your request through the accessibility email button on the UNICEF Careers webpage Accessibility | UNICEF. UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination based on gender, nationality, age, race, sexual orientation, religious or ethnic background or disabilities. UNICEF is committed to promote the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check, and selected candidates with disabilities may be requested to submit supporting documentation in relation to their disability confidentially.
Remarks: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws. The selected candidate is solely responsible to ensure that the visa (applicable) and health insurance required to perform the duties of the contract are valid for the entire period of the contract. Selected candidates are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the assignment. It does not apply to consultants who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their consultancy contracts.
Advertised: Central European Standard Time
Deadline: Central European Standard Time