UNICEF Mongolia is looking for a consultant to who can provide technical assistance in implementation of green school and air quality monitoring initiatives, awareness and knowledge enhancement of schoolteachers, students and parents on climate change and air pollution and empowerment of adolescents and young people to engage in climate and environmental related decision-making processes, community-based activities and initiatives through Teen Parliament and YES4GREEN initiatives.
The fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child, everywhere. Within UNICEF, the Programme Group (PG) provides global programme leadership to achieve results for the most disadvantaged and excluded children everywhere within the overall framework of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022–2025 and in response to the universal scope of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). PG leads UNICEF’s global programmatic vision to provide countries in all types of contexts with technical assistance (working closely with Regional Offices) to boost programme excellence as well as support to leverage evidence, partnerships, and innovations that can be adapted and taken to scale in different country contexts – including humanitarian settings and fragile and crisis-affected settings.
UNICEF Papua New Guinea is seeking to engage a national District Engineer Officer on consultancy to ensure that all social systems and infrastructures are climate resilient and based on designs that are appropriate for the local environment while meeting the national standards.
UNICEF Education Section is seeking an international consultant to lead the 2025 phase of the Inclusive Education Project in China. This phase aims to deepen the impact of inclusive practices through data-driven strategies, transformational leadership, partnerships, and international collaboration.
Under the direct supervision of the chief of health/Supply or their designate, and in close coordination with the HQ and regional immunization supply chain (iSC) teams, the Vaccine Management Specialist (VMS) will work with the NLWGs/EPIs/MOPH and their sub-national counterparts
The consultant will proactively address stock management challenges and ensure relevant national and subnational authorities (MOH/NLWG/EOC/National EPI office) have adequate capacity to receive, store, distribute and monitor vaccines and other health commodities.
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is recruiting a qualified consultant to undertake two principal analyses: (a) an analysis of local governance and public service delivery for children, particularly services related to UNICEF Thailand’s programmatic areas2; and (b) a mapping and analysis of the Decentralization to the Local Government Organization Committee (DLOC). Additionally, the role of the consultant includes providing advisory services concerning Thailand’s decentralization characteristics and its ramifications for UNICEF’s programming.
Purpose of Activity/Assignment:
The objective of this consultancy is to enhance the capacity of the RMPS and of their focal points in the Regional Offices (ROs) to support more efficiently Country Offices (COs) in reviewing ESS-related documents submitted by country offices, ensuring compliance with World Bank requirements and the Entity’s internal ESS policies, and providing recommendations to strengthen the quality of submissions and of their subsequent implementation.
It is anticipated that there are three key technical areas of work under this consultancy:
- Quality assurance of ESS-related documents developed by 11 Country Offices (COs), and technical assistance to country offices in the preparation of relevant ESS components.
- Analysis of the documentation provided by COs and/or ROs and development of generic ESS and Safeguarding Risk mitigation strategies according to the type of activities.
- Development of a concise guide for the RMPS unit to adopt in the support of CO and/or ROs in quality assurance of the risk management technical area as part of the IFI financial contributions (design, implementation and monitoring of ESS/Safeguarding instruments) from an ESS/Safeguarding perspective.
The consultant will also ensure better alignment of the RMPS’s work with other risk areas within the risk management framework including AAP and data protection and support ESS/Safeguarding compliance across programmes and operations.
The Risk Management in Programming and Safeguarding Unit (RMPS) is expected to manage this consultancy in close coordination and collaboration with other relevant units within DAPM and other stakeholders as needed
The Global Learning Innovation Hub seeks a seasoned EdTech strategist to drive the EdTech for Good Initiative forward through designing and implementing models for the key building blocks of the initiative, including positioning, business and governance models, partnership strategies, community engagement, and content management.
The consultant will be responsible for writing the 2024 Global Annual Results Report for Goal Area 3 (Child Protection). The report will need to respond to the guidelines and timeframe established by UNICEF’s Programme Group for this purpose.
The consultant is required to review and finalize the training guidelines and package, ensuring that they align with identified needs. Additionally, the consultant will develop a comprehensive implementation plan to inform the rollout of Lead4PHC nation-wide, and more specifically in additional districts of Kigoma region as well as in Katavi, Songwe, Dar es Salaam and Mtwara regions. The consultant will work to deliver this under the overall guidance of the Immunization and Integrated PHC Specialist in the UNICEF Health section.
The purpose of this assignment is to assist in development and implementation of a child-centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) model in schools in selected municipalities/cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), guided by the principles and priorities of The Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) 2022-2030. The consultant will work closely with four schools in BiH to enhance their capacities and empower them to better prepare for and respond to disasters. A central focus of the assignment is to ensure children actively lead and participate in risk identification, planning, and implementation of activities that strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience within their schools. The developed CCDRR model should inform further scale up and the DRR strategic planning on all levels of governance in BiH. As such, it should serve as a model for the roll out of the CSSF in BiH.
Focusing on trends and recurring challenges, the outcome of this consultancy will better inform UNICEF’s capacity to support the delivery of quality programming in humanitarian settings as defined in the CCCs. It will seek to make recommendations regarding required capacity and system changes and accountabilities amongst HQ divisions, and vis-à-vis regional and country offices to better ensure predictable, timely, and high-quality programme support.
This work is critical to ensuring that UNICEF’s humanitarian interventions continue to save lives, alleviate suffering, and support long-term recovery and resilience for the most vulnerable populations affected by crises.
The Social & Economic Policy (SEP) unit at UNICEF Innocenti - Global Office of Research and Foresight is establishing a Roster of Consultants with pre-qualified candidates who can be contracted quickly to provide a range of research services. These may include quantitative or qualitative data collection activities, data analysis (quantitative and/or qualitative), literature reviews, writing research outputs such as reports, briefs or academic articles, amongst others.
The objective is to strengthen grantees' capacity to advocate effectively for:
• Policy change, systemic solutions, and adequate financial commitments to address online CSEA in the context of other digital harms.
• Greater visibility of online CSEA and child online safety across global, regional, and national platforms and related agendas, including the financial and private sectors.
• Responsible language and data use, and increased attention to financing and innovation to address evolving digital risks with adaptive, cost-effective solutions.
• Strategic partnerships and collective action to drive advocacy impact.
The purpose of the contract is to support the D&A nutrition team with the development and writing of global guidance on Monitoring the Child Wasting Cascade with appropriate technical detail to facilitate the standardized and regular monitoring of child wasting programming.
The purpose of the assignment is to ensure that UNICEF effectively delivers SBC, HPS and public awareness interventions in support of rabies elimination and rabies PEP vaccination in SSA countries.
Activities will include planning, resource mobilization, strategy development, and implementation support in the areas of awareness-raising, communication, education, training, and behavior change for rabies control, and will be conducted in collaboration with relevant teams in UNICEF headquarters and the regional offices in Africa.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
UNICEF Mongolia is looking for a consultant to who can provide technical assistance in implementation of green school and air quality monitoring initiatives, awareness and knowledge enhancement of schoolteachers, students and parents on climate change and air pollution and empowerment of adolescents and young people to engage in climate and environmental related decision-making processes, community-based activities and initiatives through Teen Parliament and YES4GREEN initiatives.
The fundamental mission of UNICEF is to promote the rights of every child, everywhere. Within UNICEF, the Programme Group (PG) provides global programme leadership to achieve results for the most disadvantaged and excluded children everywhere within the overall framework of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022–2025 and in response to the universal scope of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). PG leads UNICEF’s global programmatic vision to provide countries in all types of contexts with technical assistance (working closely with Regional Offices) to boost programme excellence as well as support to leverage evidence, partnerships, and innovations that can be adapted and taken to scale in different country contexts – including humanitarian settings and fragile and crisis-affected settings.
UNICEF Papua New Guinea is seeking to engage a national District Engineer Officer on consultancy to ensure that all social systems and infrastructures are climate resilient and based on designs that are appropriate for the local environment while meeting the national standards.
UNICEF Education Section is seeking an international consultant to lead the 2025 phase of the Inclusive Education Project in China. This phase aims to deepen the impact of inclusive practices through data-driven strategies, transformational leadership, partnerships, and international collaboration.
Under the direct supervision of the chief of health/Supply or their designate, and in close coordination with the HQ and regional immunization supply chain (iSC) teams, the Vaccine Management Specialist (VMS) will work with the NLWGs/EPIs/MOPH and their sub-national counterparts
The consultant will proactively address stock management challenges and ensure relevant national and subnational authorities (MOH/NLWG/EOC/National EPI office) have adequate capacity to receive, store, distribute and monitor vaccines and other health commodities.
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is recruiting a qualified consultant to undertake two principal analyses: (a) an analysis of local governance and public service delivery for children, particularly services related to UNICEF Thailand’s programmatic areas2; and (b) a mapping and analysis of the Decentralization to the Local Government Organization Committee (DLOC). Additionally, the role of the consultant includes providing advisory services concerning Thailand’s decentralization characteristics and its ramifications for UNICEF’s programming.
Purpose of Activity/Assignment:
The objective of this consultancy is to enhance the capacity of the RMPS and of their focal points in the Regional Offices (ROs) to support more efficiently Country Offices (COs) in reviewing ESS-related documents submitted by country offices, ensuring compliance with World Bank requirements and the Entity’s internal ESS policies, and providing recommendations to strengthen the quality of submissions and of their subsequent implementation.
It is anticipated that there are three key technical areas of work under this consultancy:
- Quality assurance of ESS-related documents developed by 11 Country Offices (COs), and technical assistance to country offices in the preparation of relevant ESS components.
- Analysis of the documentation provided by COs and/or ROs and development of generic ESS and Safeguarding Risk mitigation strategies according to the type of activities.
- Development of a concise guide for the RMPS unit to adopt in the support of CO and/or ROs in quality assurance of the risk management technical area as part of the IFI financial contributions (design, implementation and monitoring of ESS/Safeguarding instruments) from an ESS/Safeguarding perspective.
The consultant will also ensure better alignment of the RMPS’s work with other risk areas within the risk management framework including AAP and data protection and support ESS/Safeguarding compliance across programmes and operations.
The Risk Management in Programming and Safeguarding Unit (RMPS) is expected to manage this consultancy in close coordination and collaboration with other relevant units within DAPM and other stakeholders as needed
The Global Learning Innovation Hub seeks a seasoned EdTech strategist to drive the EdTech for Good Initiative forward through designing and implementing models for the key building blocks of the initiative, including positioning, business and governance models, partnership strategies, community engagement, and content management.
The consultant will be responsible for writing the 2024 Global Annual Results Report for Goal Area 3 (Child Protection). The report will need to respond to the guidelines and timeframe established by UNICEF’s Programme Group for this purpose.
The consultant is required to review and finalize the training guidelines and package, ensuring that they align with identified needs. Additionally, the consultant will develop a comprehensive implementation plan to inform the rollout of Lead4PHC nation-wide, and more specifically in additional districts of Kigoma region as well as in Katavi, Songwe, Dar es Salaam and Mtwara regions. The consultant will work to deliver this under the overall guidance of the Immunization and Integrated PHC Specialist in the UNICEF Health section.
The purpose of this assignment is to assist in development and implementation of a child-centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) model in schools in selected municipalities/cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), guided by the principles and priorities of The Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) 2022-2030. The consultant will work closely with four schools in BiH to enhance their capacities and empower them to better prepare for and respond to disasters. A central focus of the assignment is to ensure children actively lead and participate in risk identification, planning, and implementation of activities that strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience within their schools. The developed CCDRR model should inform further scale up and the DRR strategic planning on all levels of governance in BiH. As such, it should serve as a model for the roll out of the CSSF in BiH.
Focusing on trends and recurring challenges, the outcome of this consultancy will better inform UNICEF’s capacity to support the delivery of quality programming in humanitarian settings as defined in the CCCs. It will seek to make recommendations regarding required capacity and system changes and accountabilities amongst HQ divisions, and vis-à-vis regional and country offices to better ensure predictable, timely, and high-quality programme support.
This work is critical to ensuring that UNICEF’s humanitarian interventions continue to save lives, alleviate suffering, and support long-term recovery and resilience for the most vulnerable populations affected by crises.
The Social & Economic Policy (SEP) unit at UNICEF Innocenti - Global Office of Research and Foresight is establishing a Roster of Consultants with pre-qualified candidates who can be contracted quickly to provide a range of research services. These may include quantitative or qualitative data collection activities, data analysis (quantitative and/or qualitative), literature reviews, writing research outputs such as reports, briefs or academic articles, amongst others.
The objective is to strengthen grantees' capacity to advocate effectively for:
• Policy change, systemic solutions, and adequate financial commitments to address online CSEA in the context of other digital harms.
• Greater visibility of online CSEA and child online safety across global, regional, and national platforms and related agendas, including the financial and private sectors.
• Responsible language and data use, and increased attention to financing and innovation to address evolving digital risks with adaptive, cost-effective solutions.
• Strategic partnerships and collective action to drive advocacy impact.
The purpose of the contract is to support the D&A nutrition team with the development and writing of global guidance on Monitoring the Child Wasting Cascade with appropriate technical detail to facilitate the standardized and regular monitoring of child wasting programming.
The purpose of the assignment is to ensure that UNICEF effectively delivers SBC, HPS and public awareness interventions in support of rabies elimination and rabies PEP vaccination in SSA countries.
Activities will include planning, resource mobilization, strategy development, and implementation support in the areas of awareness-raising, communication, education, training, and behavior change for rabies control, and will be conducted in collaboration with relevant teams in UNICEF headquarters and the regional offices in Africa.
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.