To conduct and/or occasionally lead audits and advisory assignments in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and OIAI policies and procedures, as part of the approved OIAI work plan. The Internal Audit Specialist's work is crucial to strengthening UNICEF’s governance, risk management and control processes, and hence to the economic, efficient and effective delivery of results for children.
We are seeking a motivated individual to join the Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) Partnership and Resource Mobilization team and help support opportunities of engagement with the private sector—Business, Major Donors and Foundations—at scale (under the supervision and guidance of the Istanbul-based Partnerships Manager)
To conduct and/or occasionally lead audits and advisory assignments in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and OIAI policies and procedures, as part of the approved OIAI work plan. The Internal Audit Specialist's work is crucial to strengthening UNICEF’s governance, risk management and control processes, and hence to the economic, efficient and effective delivery of results for children.
The Azerbaijan Country Office is seeking a national consultant to support the international consultant recruited for this assignment. The national consultant will play a key role in facilitating the implementation of the programme by providing local expertise, contextual insights, and technical assistance. This includes supporting data collection and analysis, coordinating with national stakeholders, ensuring alignment with local policies and regulations, and assisting in the adaptation of global best practices to the Azerbaijani context. The consultant will work closely with the international expert to ensure effective collaboration and knowledge exchange throughout the assignment.
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a professional and expert with strong commitment for UNICEF mission. The individual will be hired as a consultant to conduct an evaluation of UNICEF’s support to Nepal’s local level decentralized planning. The duration of the consultancy will be eight months.
UNICEF Brazil is looking for a seasoned Child Protection professional to lead the design, management, and oversight of the child protection programme. The Chief Child Protection will ensure that the child protection programme in Brazil is carefully implemented to ensure the prevention and protection of children against all forms of violence, particularly homicides, gender based violence and corporal punishment.
We are looking for a mature professional, preferably with experience working in Middle Income Countries (MICs), with a track record in successful design, implementation and monitoring of child protection programmes. The post holder will be responsible to support the consolidation of a protective environment for children against all forms of violence in Brazil, promoting prevention initiatives and the integration of protection with education, social policy and health interventions, following national and international standards. The position is based in Brasilia, reporting to the UNICEF Deputy Representative, programmes.
UNICEF Syria is hiring a WASH Officer at the NO-B level to support the WASH programme in Damascus and the Southern governorates. The WASH Officer reports to the Chief of Field Office for general guidance and direction and to the Chief of WASH for technical reference. The officer is responsible for facilitating, coordinating and supervising the WASH program projects and initiatives in the Damascus field office covering Damascus and Southern governorates, including assessment, planning, design, implementation and monitoring of UNICEF WASH programs in Damascus and the South.
The WASH Officer is expected to maintain efficient communication and coordination with the relevant authorities and partners in Damascus and the South, including the water establishments, UN agencies, OCHA, national and international NGOs.
UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) is looking for a qualified Child Rights Expert based in Andalusia, Spain to support the second phase of implementation of the Action in Andalusia and maintain the vital local interface established during the first phase. This role is essential to facilitate framework development and piloting as well as capacity building activities and to continue to bridge coordination between UNICEF ECARO, international experts, and the local Andalusian authorities.
UNICEF Ethiopia is seeking a professional Child Protection Officer to provide technical support to the child Protection Program in four regions: Sidama, South Ethiopia, Central Ethiopia, and Southwest Ethiopia People Regions, under the leadership of Awasa Field Office.
L’UNICEF Niger recrute six (06) consultant.e.s nationaux en Changement Social et Comportemental (CSC) afin d’appuyer les districts sanitaires prioritaires dans l’identification, la planification, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi-évaluation des interventions SBC visant à renforcer l’engagement communautaire en faveur des immunisations en général et de l’Initiative Mondiale pour l’Eradication de Poliomyélite en particulier. Cette consultation durera six (6) mois et, concernera les districts sanitaires prioritaires des régions d'Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Tillabéry et Zinder.
L’UNICEF recrute un.e consultant.e. international(e) en Changement Social et Comportemental (CSC) ou SBC afin d’assister la Direction des immunisations dans la préparation, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi-évaluation de la réponse contre la poliomyélite en matière de changement social et comportemental. Cela dans la perspective de renforcer l’engagement communautaire en faveur des immunisations en général et de l’Initiative Mondiale pour l’Eradication de Poliomyélite en particulier. Cette consultation durera six (6) mois et, concernera le niveau national avec un focus sur les districts sanitaires prioritaires des régions de Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabéri et Zinder.
Under the general supervision of the Partnership Specialist, you will develop, manage, and evaluate non-financial partnerships with the corporate community in support of UNICEF’s mission and objectives in the country. You will also pilot innovative solutions for on-the-ground programme delivery, set the child rights agenda in policy and advocacy development, and enhance the organization’s credibility and brand as a technical expert in the area of child rights and responsible business.
The position is also expected to provide technical input in line with UNICEF’s strategic framework on CSR and manage programmatic alliances with national CSR-related agencies, including business industry champions and the Companies Commission of Guinea
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
The WASH Specialist (Urban) will be responsible for leading and coordinating urban water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiatives in UNICEF Sudan country office, in particular the Port Sudan Water and Sanitation project. S/he shall work closely with government counterparts, local authorities, NGOs, community stakeholders, UN sister agencies, donors, and in collaboration with the section team and beyond to ensure the effective implementation of urban WASH projects in line with national policies and international standards.
Under the direction and guidance of the Representative, the Emergency Specialist coordinates overall country office emergency preparedness and response. Responsible for the development, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the emergency interventions to ensure the survival and well-being of children and mothers, and the affected communities in an emergency.
The purpose of this position is to provide technical support and specialized guidance for the implementation of emergency response strategies in the Amazon.
Under the supervision of 1 Million Opportunities Staffs, this consultancy is expected to perform activities to manage the pedagogical content production of 1MiO initiative. The consultant will provide technical support for the implementation of curation and pedagogical content production.
Under the supervision of the Programme Officer the purpose of this consultancy is to produce contents for the areas of the One Million Opportunities (1MiO) initiative, including the official communication channels.
The Country Office will be receiving over $200 million from the World Bank between 2024 and 2026 to support the humanitarian response programming and system preservation and strengthening of the health, nutrition, and WASH sectors. Of this World Bank funding almost $80 million will be for Health and Nutrition sections to support project implementation across all the 18 states. Additionally, the office became the Global Fund primary recipients for over $100 million. The Budget Officer performs a variety of specialized tasks in support of the preparation, monitoring, and control of the project budgets, and guides program staff on budget management and compliance with donors’ financial conditions.
To conduct and/or occasionally lead audits and advisory assignments in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and OIAI policies and procedures, as part of the approved OIAI work plan. The Internal Audit Specialist's work is crucial to strengthening UNICEF’s governance, risk management and control processes, and hence to the economic, efficient and effective delivery of results for children.
We are seeking a motivated individual to join the Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) Partnership and Resource Mobilization team and help support opportunities of engagement with the private sector—Business, Major Donors and Foundations—at scale (under the supervision and guidance of the Istanbul-based Partnerships Manager)
To conduct and/or occasionally lead audits and advisory assignments in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and OIAI policies and procedures, as part of the approved OIAI work plan. The Internal Audit Specialist's work is crucial to strengthening UNICEF’s governance, risk management and control processes, and hence to the economic, efficient and effective delivery of results for children.
The Azerbaijan Country Office is seeking a national consultant to support the international consultant recruited for this assignment. The national consultant will play a key role in facilitating the implementation of the programme by providing local expertise, contextual insights, and technical assistance. This includes supporting data collection and analysis, coordinating with national stakeholders, ensuring alignment with local policies and regulations, and assisting in the adaptation of global best practices to the Azerbaijani context. The consultant will work closely with the international expert to ensure effective collaboration and knowledge exchange throughout the assignment.
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a professional and expert with strong commitment for UNICEF mission. The individual will be hired as a consultant to conduct an evaluation of UNICEF’s support to Nepal’s local level decentralized planning. The duration of the consultancy will be eight months.
UNICEF Brazil is looking for a seasoned Child Protection professional to lead the design, management, and oversight of the child protection programme. The Chief Child Protection will ensure that the child protection programme in Brazil is carefully implemented to ensure the prevention and protection of children against all forms of violence, particularly homicides, gender based violence and corporal punishment.
We are looking for a mature professional, preferably with experience working in Middle Income Countries (MICs), with a track record in successful design, implementation and monitoring of child protection programmes. The post holder will be responsible to support the consolidation of a protective environment for children against all forms of violence in Brazil, promoting prevention initiatives and the integration of protection with education, social policy and health interventions, following national and international standards. The position is based in Brasilia, reporting to the UNICEF Deputy Representative, programmes.
UNICEF Syria is hiring a WASH Officer at the NO-B level to support the WASH programme in Damascus and the Southern governorates. The WASH Officer reports to the Chief of Field Office for general guidance and direction and to the Chief of WASH for technical reference. The officer is responsible for facilitating, coordinating and supervising the WASH program projects and initiatives in the Damascus field office covering Damascus and Southern governorates, including assessment, planning, design, implementation and monitoring of UNICEF WASH programs in Damascus and the South.
The WASH Officer is expected to maintain efficient communication and coordination with the relevant authorities and partners in Damascus and the South, including the water establishments, UN agencies, OCHA, national and international NGOs.
UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) is looking for a qualified Child Rights Expert based in Andalusia, Spain to support the second phase of implementation of the Action in Andalusia and maintain the vital local interface established during the first phase. This role is essential to facilitate framework development and piloting as well as capacity building activities and to continue to bridge coordination between UNICEF ECARO, international experts, and the local Andalusian authorities.
UNICEF Ethiopia is seeking a professional Child Protection Officer to provide technical support to the child Protection Program in four regions: Sidama, South Ethiopia, Central Ethiopia, and Southwest Ethiopia People Regions, under the leadership of Awasa Field Office.
L’UNICEF Niger recrute six (06) consultant.e.s nationaux en Changement Social et Comportemental (CSC) afin d’appuyer les districts sanitaires prioritaires dans l’identification, la planification, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi-évaluation des interventions SBC visant à renforcer l’engagement communautaire en faveur des immunisations en général et de l’Initiative Mondiale pour l’Eradication de Poliomyélite en particulier. Cette consultation durera six (6) mois et, concernera les districts sanitaires prioritaires des régions d'Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Tillabéry et Zinder.
L’UNICEF recrute un.e consultant.e. international(e) en Changement Social et Comportemental (CSC) ou SBC afin d’assister la Direction des immunisations dans la préparation, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi-évaluation de la réponse contre la poliomyélite en matière de changement social et comportemental. Cela dans la perspective de renforcer l’engagement communautaire en faveur des immunisations en général et de l’Initiative Mondiale pour l’Eradication de Poliomyélite en particulier. Cette consultation durera six (6) mois et, concernera le niveau national avec un focus sur les districts sanitaires prioritaires des régions de Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabéri et Zinder.
Under the general supervision of the Partnership Specialist, you will develop, manage, and evaluate non-financial partnerships with the corporate community in support of UNICEF’s mission and objectives in the country. You will also pilot innovative solutions for on-the-ground programme delivery, set the child rights agenda in policy and advocacy development, and enhance the organization’s credibility and brand as a technical expert in the area of child rights and responsible business.
The position is also expected to provide technical input in line with UNICEF’s strategic framework on CSR and manage programmatic alliances with national CSR-related agencies, including business industry champions and the Companies Commission of Guinea
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
The WASH Specialist (Urban) will be responsible for leading and coordinating urban water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiatives in UNICEF Sudan country office, in particular the Port Sudan Water and Sanitation project. S/he shall work closely with government counterparts, local authorities, NGOs, community stakeholders, UN sister agencies, donors, and in collaboration with the section team and beyond to ensure the effective implementation of urban WASH projects in line with national policies and international standards.
Under the direction and guidance of the Representative, the Emergency Specialist coordinates overall country office emergency preparedness and response. Responsible for the development, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the emergency interventions to ensure the survival and well-being of children and mothers, and the affected communities in an emergency.
The purpose of this position is to provide technical support and specialized guidance for the implementation of emergency response strategies in the Amazon.
Under the supervision of 1 Million Opportunities Staffs, this consultancy is expected to perform activities to manage the pedagogical content production of 1MiO initiative. The consultant will provide technical support for the implementation of curation and pedagogical content production.
Under the supervision of the Programme Officer the purpose of this consultancy is to produce contents for the areas of the One Million Opportunities (1MiO) initiative, including the official communication channels.
The Country Office will be receiving over $200 million from the World Bank between 2024 and 2026 to support the humanitarian response programming and system preservation and strengthening of the health, nutrition, and WASH sectors. Of this World Bank funding almost $80 million will be for Health and Nutrition sections to support project implementation across all the 18 states. Additionally, the office became the Global Fund primary recipients for over $100 million. The Budget Officer performs a variety of specialized tasks in support of the preparation, monitoring, and control of the project budgets, and guides program staff on budget management and compliance with donors’ financial conditions.