The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) reports to the Executive Director and is responsible for internal audit and investigation services to UNICEF. OIAI provides independent, objective assurance on the effectiveness of risk management and the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls.
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) reports to the Executive Director and is responsible for internal audit and investigation services to UNICEF. OIAI provides independent, objective assurance on the effectiveness of risk management and the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls.
There is a need for UNICEF to develop and maintain strong relationships with journalists by continuously providing them with up-to-date information about children and our work, responding to their inquiries, and publishing well-written, concise, and informative media materials. Young university graduates with a passion for developing professional skills in this area, this is an opportunity for you!
The Administrative Associate is responsible for executing a broad variety of procedural and specialized administrative tasks for the respective sections requiring in-depth knowledge of UNICEF administrative procedures, processes and policies.
Le bureau de l'UNICEF au Tchad offre une opportunité aux jeunes talents féminins et aux personnes en situation de handicap de rejoindre son équipe. Nous recherchons des jeunes engagé(e)s et passionné(e)s disposant des potentiels dans l’un de nos domaines d’interventions (sante, éducation, protection de l’enfance, HR, administration…etc.) pour des postes de Stagiaires. L’objectif est de permettre aux cibles de se familiariser avec les interventions humanitaires en lien avec le mandat de Unicef et de leurs donner des rudiments techniques et comportementales dans nos domaines d’expertise pouvant leur permettre de poursuivre une carrière dans ce secteur.
Si vous êtes motivé(e) par le changement positif et que vous aspirez à un environnement inclusif et stimulant, cette opportunité est faite pour vous !
UNICEF is looking for a qualified international consultant to undertake the diagnostic of existing national school curricula towards responsive education, including the below strategic interventions on Climate change
UNICEF Mongolia is looking for an international consultant who will provide technical guidance and support in setting up and operationalizing the human milk bank.
SUPERVISOR: Coordinador/a de Ucayali
PERIODO: 26 Semanas (Aprox. 6 meses)
MODALIDAD: Presencial.
The selected consultant will act as UNICEF’s technical reference point for the various tracks of scalable models, providing documented global and technical expertise from concept to implementation and dissemination of results. The consultant will provide technical assistance to respective Field Offices for the implementation of relevant models. The role will accordingly include the execution of the following tasks:
- Evaluate technical documentation: review calculations, bills of quantities, provide technical evaluation for related vendors and service providers, etc.
- Establish baseline: The impact of the scalable models is assessed through the perceived improvement on its application field (e.g. an increase in energy efficiency, a reduction in water losses, a higher satisfaction in the consumers, improved water quality, etc.). In order to evaluate such improvement, the consultant will guide UNICEF’s technical team to determine the respective baselines.
- Assist implementation: Liaise with UNICEF technical team and involved partners (private sector, academia, NGOs, International Organizations, etc.) and facilitate the discussion regarding the specific details of the implementations, such as optimal location of the scalable model, budget, size, objectives, timeframe, expected outputs, beneficiaries, etc.
- Technical visits: The consultant is expected to pay technical visits to the scalable model sites on a periodic basis to evaluate the progress of the implementation.
- Documentation: The consultant will keep a detailed record of all the milestones in the scalable model implementation process, as well as of the analytical data gathered from the implemented models.
- Publication and dissemination: The consultant will be tasked with the publication and dissemination of results derived from the implemented scalable models in reputed international journals relevant to the Water and Sanitation field and humanitarian action, with the purpose of leveraging their upscaling at national level and encouraging vodokanals to replicate the initiatives. In agreement with UNICEF’s WASH Programme Manager, outstanding models will be selected, and up to four publications will be produced.
UNICEF Burkina Faso desire recruter un (01) Consultant international pour l'Élaboration du Dossier d'Investissement de la Stratégie Nationale de Santé Communautaire (SNSC) 2024-2028.
Le bureau de l'UNICEF au Burkina Faso souhaite évaluer les compétences actuelles du personnel de santé communautaire par rapport aux besoins du programme pays, afin de formuler des recommandations pour combler les écarts identifiés. Le contexte sécuritaire difficile lié à la crise du Sahel affecte le moral des équipes et la continuité des programmes.
Cette initiative vise à élaborer un dossier d’investissement en santé communautaire, avec des stratégies pour renforcer les capacités du personnel, améliorer leur résilience et optimiser les structures existantes, afin d’assurer une réponse plus efficace aux besoins de santé des communautés.
The primary purpose of this consultancy is to provide guidance and support to three Country Offices (COs) – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan – in UNICEF’s South Asia region which are undertaking costing exercises (including a financial gap analysis), cost-effectiveness, and fiscal space analyses for community health and nutrition. Each CO will employ the services of a national consultant, who will be primarily responsible for the additional data collection analysis required to develop these knowledge products. It is worth noting that COs are building on previous work that has already been conducted, with Community Health Worker strategies and nutrition plans already fully or partially costed, supported by Social and Behavior Change (SBC) strategies.
The role of the consultant will be to harmonize the approach taken across the COs, and to provide detailed guidance and hands-on support to COs with methodological guidance, guiding and reviewing data collection and analysis, and supporting the drafting of succinct knowledge products that are suitable for advocacy purposes. This will involve the development of guidance and template documents.
Furthermore, the consultant will be responsible for bringing these work streams together to produce regional overview documents for South Asia which synthesize the CO investment cases and costing exercises, producing a compelling regional narrative for investing in CHN.
UNICEF Yemen is seeking a highly skilled and experienced consultant to support in producing the donors’ reports; to support for the already scheduled reports to be submitted until the end of September 2025 as well as support for the development of new donor proposals and support in grants management through review of reprogramming requests and coordination of verification exercises as needed.
Under the supervision of the Senior Adviser for Education – Systems, and in close collaboration with relevant teams across the Education and Adolescent Development Section, Programme Group, Public Partnerships Division and Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division, the Consultant will provide strategic advice and support for the climate and education agenda, thus supporting UNICEF to scale-up its climate & education results. The Consultant will do this by supporting advocacy efforts during high-level fora such as COP, resource mobilization, development of global public goods, and more as needed
For people with disabilities, a major challenge in Africa is the general lack of an enabling environment. Although several
countries, including Sao Tome and Principe, have adopted relevant legislation, its implementation remains limited due
to deficits on both the supply and demand sides. Strong Disabled People's Organizations (DPOs) are essential to raise
awareness and ensure the provision of specific services for people with disabilities. In addition, the absence of a highlevel government entity with a mandate to mainstream the inclusion of people with disabilities across sectors results
in fragmented initiatives between ministries. A key constraint is the limited capacity of DPOs in many countries,
followed by a lack of coordination and insufficient inclusion of DPOs in key decision-making processes, contrary to the
global effort “nothing about us, without us”.
UNICEF aims to hire a qualified international consultant to provide high-level technical assistance to the Directorate of Human Resources for Health, Ministry of Health.
The consultant (s) will deliver trainings for crisis psychologists on psychological aid for children who experienced sexual violence. Training and supervision of groups of crisis pedagogical psychologists from the Belarusian Republican Centre for Psychological Assistance (RCPA) and Social Pedagogical Centres (SPC) in providing crisis psychological assistance to minors who are victims of sexual violence and their guardians
Pour aider les pays à renforcer les équipements de la chaine de froid du PEV, GAVI a mis en place la Plateforme d’Optimisation des Equipements de la Chaine de Froid (en anglais : Cold Chain Equipements Optimization Platform).
Ce mécanisme fournit un appui financier complémentaire aux pays pour améliorer et moderniser les équipements de la chaine de froid. Le Gouvernement de la République du Congo, à travers le Ministère de la Santé et de la Population et le Programme Elargi de Vaccination (PEV), avec l’appui de l’UNICEF envisagent de soumettre une proposition à GAVI dans le cadre de mécanisme. Plusieurs documents sont requis pour garantir ladite soumission : le plan de maintenance des équipements de la Chaine du froid ainsi que le plan de renouvellement et le déploiement des équipements à acquérir à travers cette plateforme. Les partenaires traditionnels de la vaccination ont la responsabilité de fournir un appui technique au pays tout au long du processus.
L’UNICEF a appuyé le pays dans la réalisation de l’inventaire exhaustif des équipements de la chaine de froid sur l’ensemble du territoire en aout 2024. Dans les suites de cet inventaire, il contribuera à l’élaboration des différents documents pour accompagner la soumission du pays. C’est dans ce cadre que le Bureau pays de l’UNICEF en République du Congo cherche à recruter un(e) consultant(e) international(e) qui travaillera avec le gouvernement et les autres partenaires pendant toute la durée du processus de la candidature de la République du Congo pour le CCEOP.
Les présents termes de référence définissent les objectifs de cette consultation, les livrables attendus et les conditions de réalisation de cette mission
Digital supporter engagement is a critical success factor in achieving UNICEF Indonesia’s Communication (Comms) & Fundraising (FR) goals as well as partnerships, advocacy and programmatic goals. For this purpose, UNICEF Jakarta is looking for Digital Communication Specialist who will lead an integrated team of digital communication and fundraising staff.
Are you passionate about making a lasting impact on communities through sanitation and hygiene? UNICEF Uganda is seeking a dynamic WASH professional to lead innovative programs that ensure clean water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices for all. Join us and be part of a team dedicated to building a healthier, safer future for Uganda’s children and families. Apply now!
The Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) section of UNICEF’s Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) provides guidance and technical support to 21 country offices and regional office programme sections on engagement with public and private partners. The section also develops and stewards regional/multi-country partnerships and regional-level relationships to open new avenues for collaboration and funding that complement individual country office efforts.
For more information about our programme, please visit our
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) reports to the Executive Director and is responsible for internal audit and investigation services to UNICEF. OIAI provides independent, objective assurance on the effectiveness of risk management and the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls.
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) reports to the Executive Director and is responsible for internal audit and investigation services to UNICEF. OIAI provides independent, objective assurance on the effectiveness of risk management and the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls.
There is a need for UNICEF to develop and maintain strong relationships with journalists by continuously providing them with up-to-date information about children and our work, responding to their inquiries, and publishing well-written, concise, and informative media materials. Young university graduates with a passion for developing professional skills in this area, this is an opportunity for you!
The Administrative Associate is responsible for executing a broad variety of procedural and specialized administrative tasks for the respective sections requiring in-depth knowledge of UNICEF administrative procedures, processes and policies.
Le bureau de l'UNICEF au Tchad offre une opportunité aux jeunes talents féminins et aux personnes en situation de handicap de rejoindre son équipe. Nous recherchons des jeunes engagé(e)s et passionné(e)s disposant des potentiels dans l’un de nos domaines d’interventions (sante, éducation, protection de l’enfance, HR, administration…etc.) pour des postes de Stagiaires. L’objectif est de permettre aux cibles de se familiariser avec les interventions humanitaires en lien avec le mandat de Unicef et de leurs donner des rudiments techniques et comportementales dans nos domaines d’expertise pouvant leur permettre de poursuivre une carrière dans ce secteur.
Si vous êtes motivé(e) par le changement positif et que vous aspirez à un environnement inclusif et stimulant, cette opportunité est faite pour vous !
UNICEF is looking for a qualified international consultant to undertake the diagnostic of existing national school curricula towards responsive education, including the below strategic interventions on Climate change
UNICEF Mongolia is looking for an international consultant who will provide technical guidance and support in setting up and operationalizing the human milk bank.
SUPERVISOR: Coordinador/a de Ucayali
PERIODO: 26 Semanas (Aprox. 6 meses)
MODALIDAD: Presencial.
The selected consultant will act as UNICEF’s technical reference point for the various tracks of scalable models, providing documented global and technical expertise from concept to implementation and dissemination of results. The consultant will provide technical assistance to respective Field Offices for the implementation of relevant models. The role will accordingly include the execution of the following tasks:
- Evaluate technical documentation: review calculations, bills of quantities, provide technical evaluation for related vendors and service providers, etc.
- Establish baseline: The impact of the scalable models is assessed through the perceived improvement on its application field (e.g. an increase in energy efficiency, a reduction in water losses, a higher satisfaction in the consumers, improved water quality, etc.). In order to evaluate such improvement, the consultant will guide UNICEF’s technical team to determine the respective baselines.
- Assist implementation: Liaise with UNICEF technical team and involved partners (private sector, academia, NGOs, International Organizations, etc.) and facilitate the discussion regarding the specific details of the implementations, such as optimal location of the scalable model, budget, size, objectives, timeframe, expected outputs, beneficiaries, etc.
- Technical visits: The consultant is expected to pay technical visits to the scalable model sites on a periodic basis to evaluate the progress of the implementation.
- Documentation: The consultant will keep a detailed record of all the milestones in the scalable model implementation process, as well as of the analytical data gathered from the implemented models.
- Publication and dissemination: The consultant will be tasked with the publication and dissemination of results derived from the implemented scalable models in reputed international journals relevant to the Water and Sanitation field and humanitarian action, with the purpose of leveraging their upscaling at national level and encouraging vodokanals to replicate the initiatives. In agreement with UNICEF’s WASH Programme Manager, outstanding models will be selected, and up to four publications will be produced.
UNICEF Burkina Faso desire recruter un (01) Consultant international pour l'Élaboration du Dossier d'Investissement de la Stratégie Nationale de Santé Communautaire (SNSC) 2024-2028.
Le bureau de l'UNICEF au Burkina Faso souhaite évaluer les compétences actuelles du personnel de santé communautaire par rapport aux besoins du programme pays, afin de formuler des recommandations pour combler les écarts identifiés. Le contexte sécuritaire difficile lié à la crise du Sahel affecte le moral des équipes et la continuité des programmes.
Cette initiative vise à élaborer un dossier d’investissement en santé communautaire, avec des stratégies pour renforcer les capacités du personnel, améliorer leur résilience et optimiser les structures existantes, afin d’assurer une réponse plus efficace aux besoins de santé des communautés.
The primary purpose of this consultancy is to provide guidance and support to three Country Offices (COs) – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan – in UNICEF’s South Asia region which are undertaking costing exercises (including a financial gap analysis), cost-effectiveness, and fiscal space analyses for community health and nutrition. Each CO will employ the services of a national consultant, who will be primarily responsible for the additional data collection analysis required to develop these knowledge products. It is worth noting that COs are building on previous work that has already been conducted, with Community Health Worker strategies and nutrition plans already fully or partially costed, supported by Social and Behavior Change (SBC) strategies.
The role of the consultant will be to harmonize the approach taken across the COs, and to provide detailed guidance and hands-on support to COs with methodological guidance, guiding and reviewing data collection and analysis, and supporting the drafting of succinct knowledge products that are suitable for advocacy purposes. This will involve the development of guidance and template documents.
Furthermore, the consultant will be responsible for bringing these work streams together to produce regional overview documents for South Asia which synthesize the CO investment cases and costing exercises, producing a compelling regional narrative for investing in CHN.
UNICEF Yemen is seeking a highly skilled and experienced consultant to support in producing the donors’ reports; to support for the already scheduled reports to be submitted until the end of September 2025 as well as support for the development of new donor proposals and support in grants management through review of reprogramming requests and coordination of verification exercises as needed.
Under the supervision of the Senior Adviser for Education – Systems, and in close collaboration with relevant teams across the Education and Adolescent Development Section, Programme Group, Public Partnerships Division and Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division, the Consultant will provide strategic advice and support for the climate and education agenda, thus supporting UNICEF to scale-up its climate & education results. The Consultant will do this by supporting advocacy efforts during high-level fora such as COP, resource mobilization, development of global public goods, and more as needed
For people with disabilities, a major challenge in Africa is the general lack of an enabling environment. Although several
countries, including Sao Tome and Principe, have adopted relevant legislation, its implementation remains limited due
to deficits on both the supply and demand sides. Strong Disabled People's Organizations (DPOs) are essential to raise
awareness and ensure the provision of specific services for people with disabilities. In addition, the absence of a highlevel government entity with a mandate to mainstream the inclusion of people with disabilities across sectors results
in fragmented initiatives between ministries. A key constraint is the limited capacity of DPOs in many countries,
followed by a lack of coordination and insufficient inclusion of DPOs in key decision-making processes, contrary to the
global effort “nothing about us, without us”.
UNICEF aims to hire a qualified international consultant to provide high-level technical assistance to the Directorate of Human Resources for Health, Ministry of Health.
The consultant (s) will deliver trainings for crisis psychologists on psychological aid for children who experienced sexual violence. Training and supervision of groups of crisis pedagogical psychologists from the Belarusian Republican Centre for Psychological Assistance (RCPA) and Social Pedagogical Centres (SPC) in providing crisis psychological assistance to minors who are victims of sexual violence and their guardians
Pour aider les pays à renforcer les équipements de la chaine de froid du PEV, GAVI a mis en place la Plateforme d’Optimisation des Equipements de la Chaine de Froid (en anglais : Cold Chain Equipements Optimization Platform).
Ce mécanisme fournit un appui financier complémentaire aux pays pour améliorer et moderniser les équipements de la chaine de froid. Le Gouvernement de la République du Congo, à travers le Ministère de la Santé et de la Population et le Programme Elargi de Vaccination (PEV), avec l’appui de l’UNICEF envisagent de soumettre une proposition à GAVI dans le cadre de mécanisme. Plusieurs documents sont requis pour garantir ladite soumission : le plan de maintenance des équipements de la Chaine du froid ainsi que le plan de renouvellement et le déploiement des équipements à acquérir à travers cette plateforme. Les partenaires traditionnels de la vaccination ont la responsabilité de fournir un appui technique au pays tout au long du processus.
L’UNICEF a appuyé le pays dans la réalisation de l’inventaire exhaustif des équipements de la chaine de froid sur l’ensemble du territoire en aout 2024. Dans les suites de cet inventaire, il contribuera à l’élaboration des différents documents pour accompagner la soumission du pays. C’est dans ce cadre que le Bureau pays de l’UNICEF en République du Congo cherche à recruter un(e) consultant(e) international(e) qui travaillera avec le gouvernement et les autres partenaires pendant toute la durée du processus de la candidature de la République du Congo pour le CCEOP.
Les présents termes de référence définissent les objectifs de cette consultation, les livrables attendus et les conditions de réalisation de cette mission
Digital supporter engagement is a critical success factor in achieving UNICEF Indonesia’s Communication (Comms) & Fundraising (FR) goals as well as partnerships, advocacy and programmatic goals. For this purpose, UNICEF Jakarta is looking for Digital Communication Specialist who will lead an integrated team of digital communication and fundraising staff.
Are you passionate about making a lasting impact on communities through sanitation and hygiene? UNICEF Uganda is seeking a dynamic WASH professional to lead innovative programs that ensure clean water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices for all. Join us and be part of a team dedicated to building a healthier, safer future for Uganda’s children and families. Apply now!
The Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) section of UNICEF’s Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) provides guidance and technical support to 21 country offices and regional office programme sections on engagement with public and private partners. The section also develops and stewards regional/multi-country partnerships and regional-level relationships to open new avenues for collaboration and funding that complement individual country office efforts.
For more information about our programme, please visit our