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Consultant to support the review of the South Asia Regional Action Plan to End Child Marriage, UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal UNICEf Nepal
Under the coordination of SAIEVAC, and with support from UNICEF ROSA and SACG members, the consultant will provide technical assistance to update the South Asia Regional Action Plan to End Child Marriage for the period 2025 – 2030. The consultant will develop tools to facilitate consultations on child marriage and provide technical support in updating the regional action plan.
Consultant – Development of Zero Dose and Multi-Deprivation Analysis Tool, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO), Bangkok, Thailand Thailand
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is seeking an individual consultant to develop a user-friendly tool for zero dose and multisector deprivation analysis, with clear results tables, graphs and subnational maps. Under the supervision of the UNICEF health specialist, the consultant will carry out the following activities: • Scope the existing tools on multisector deprivation, and the tool/data analysis carried out in the EAPRO desk review. • Based on the scoping, provide options for the user-friendly tool that would be fitting for the multisectoral zero dose analysis, including pros and cons of each option, online/offline, excel versus other programmes, etc. • Develop the agreed-upon tool, which includes simple instructions, auto-plotting, ride-over and plotting of data by user, analysis and automatic presentation of the results in geographical maps. • Testing of the tool, and cross checking the validity of the tool, including the time required for the complete assignment from start to finish for one select country, and validating the level of expertise required to use the tool. • Carry out the analysis for 10 countries in the region, with the latest available data, in consultation with UNICEF Country Offices. • Develop a 1-2 page information note on the tool for COs. • Work with UNICEF EAPRO and HQ to determine the platform (s) to be made available for UNICEF country offices.
Consultant Individuel National-Chargé de Protection–Dispositifs Territoriaux Intégrés de Protection de l’Enfance (DTIPE), Maroc, 4 mois Morocco
Sous la supervision de la Cheffe de section Protection de l’Enfance de l’UNICEF Maroc, le/la consultant(e) aura pour mission de renforcer la présence et le travail de l'UNICEF sur le terrain. Il/elle devra établir des liens solides entre les autorités de protection, la société civile et d'autres partenaires clés. Son rôle consistera à fournir une assistance technique pour la mise en place de dispositifs territoriaux intégrés de protection de l’enfance dans les provinces touchées par le séisme. Cela inclura l'évaluation de la faisabilité opérationnelle du modèle proposé et l'orientation et l'accompagnement dans l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de ce dispositif dans les provinces cibles.
26 Weeks Full-Time (Remote) - Internship, Healthy Environments for Healthy Children United States
The Health Specialist supports the Healthy Environments for Healthy Children programme (HEHC). Tasks in 2024-2025 entail enhancing UNICEF capacities by strengthening knowledge management through technical briefs and webinars.
New Consultancy: Design consultant, Vaccine Centre, UNICEF Supply Division Copenhagen, Remote, 15 working days over 4 months Denmark
UNICEF Supply Division (SD) has identified strengthening national vaccine procurement practices as a key component of its approach to supporting Gavi transitioning and other middle-income countries (MICs) in ensuring sustainable access to and timely supply of affordable vaccines. To this end, UNICEF Supply Division has been supporting countries by facilitating such learning via multiple projects, including hosting the annual Vaccine Procurement Forum (VPF) since 2015, and establishing a community of practice in 2016, to further the aims of the VPPEF by initiating the Vaccine Procurement Practitioners Network (VPPN). VPPN, as a virtual community of practice primarily targeting national stakeholders in the vaccine procurement process, aims towards providing a platform for the continuous exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, joint learning and collaborative problem-solving. Membership in the VPPN has grown over time as a result of a strategy to gradually include interested vaccine procurement practitioners from additional countries, as well as other relevant stakeholders and experts. Closely connected to these activities is the e-learning course on strategic vaccine procurement, which provides procurement professionals the background and necessary building blocks to develop a strategic vaccine approach. All three activities are part of the overall work VC is working on to support countries to strengthen their vaccine procurement processes, ensuring access to affordable, quality assured vaccines for children. To support this effort, the consultant will support increasing visibility of the key materials for procurement strengthening activities including the VPF, VPPN, and the E-course on strategic vaccine procurement. The consultant will also support increasing visibility of other VC’s key materials such as VC standard slide deck, which is not limited to its procurement strengthening work but covering overall VC’s key activities and updates.

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