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Chief Social Policy # 130114 - Grade P4 - Conakry Guinea WCAR Guinea
Guinea is a lower-middle-income country facing significant challenges in child development and deprivation. According to the latest Human Development Index (HDI) report, Guinea has an HDI of 0.480, ranking 178th out of 191 countries in 2023, reflecting its ongoing struggle with poverty and social development challenges. Since 1984, UNICEF has worked with the government and various partners, including UN agencies, NGOs, and community-based organizations, to improve conditions for children. The population of Guinea is estimated to be around 14.3 million in 2024, with 63.4% living in rural areas and women comprising approximately 50.3% of the population. The annual growth rate stands at about 2.8%. Children under the age of 18 make up roughly 51% of the population, highlighting the critical need for child-focused interventions (World Population Review) The vision of the 2024-2028 country programme is: "A Guinea where children, especially adolescent girls and children from the most vulnerable families in the most disadvantaged geographical areas, have equitable opportunities for sustainable access to essential social services and quality social protection, and can reach their full potential, including in a context of climate-related vulnerabilities and emergencies".
Partnerships Specialist (Resources Mobilization) # 130109 - Grade P3 - Conakry Guinea WCAR Guinea
Guinea is a middle-income country facing significant challenges in child development and deprivation. According to the latest Human Development Index (HDI) report, Guinea has an HDI of 0.480, ranking 178th out of 191 countries in 2023, reflecting its ongoing struggle with poverty and social development challenges. Since 1984, UNICEF has worked with the government and various partners, including UN agencies, NGOs, and community-based organizations, to improve conditions for children. The population of Guinea is projected to be around 15.2 million in 2025, with 63.4% living in rural areas and women comprising approximately 50.3% of the population. The annual growth rate remains steady at about 2.8%. Children under the age of 18 account for roughly 51% of the population, underscoring the critical need for child-focused interventions in areas such as health, education, and protection (World Population Review).
Social Behavior Change Manager (Youth engagement, gender and adolescent) # 130117 - Grade P4 - Conakry Guinea WCAR Guinea
Guinea is a lower-middle-income country facing significant challenges in child development and deprivation. According to the latest Human Development Index (HDI) report, Guinea has an HDI of 0.480, ranking 178th out of 191 countries in 2023, reflecting its ongoing struggle with poverty and social development challenges. Since 1984, UNICEF has worked with the government and various partners, including UN agencies, NGOs, and community-based organizations, to improve conditions for children. The population of Guinea is estimated to be around 14.3 million in 2024, with 63.4% living in rural areas and women comprising approximately 50.3% of the population. The annual growth rate stands at about 2.8%. Children under the age of 18 make up roughly 51% of the population, highlighting the critical need for child-focused interventions (World Population Review)
Consultant International pour soutenir l’élaboration du document complet et la finalisation du processus de candidature à la plate-forme d’optimisation des équipements de la chaine du froid (CCEOP) Congo
Pour aider les pays à renforcer les équipements de la chaine de froid du PEV, GAVI a mis en place la Plateforme d’Optimisation des Equipements de la Chaine de Froid (en anglais : Cold Chain Equipements Optimization Platform). Ce mécanisme fournit un appui financier complémentaire aux pays pour améliorer et moderniser les équipements de la chaine de froid. Le Gouvernement de la République du Congo, à travers le Ministère de la Santé et de la Population et le Programme Elargi de Vaccination (PEV), avec l’appui de l’UNICEF envisagent de soumettre une proposition à GAVI dans le cadre de mécanisme. Plusieurs documents sont requis pour garantir ladite soumission : le plan de maintenance des équipements de la Chaine du froid ainsi que le plan de renouvellement et le déploiement des équipements à acquérir à travers cette plateforme. Les partenaires traditionnels de la vaccination ont la responsabilité de fournir un appui technique au pays tout au long du processus. L’UNICEF a appuyé le pays dans la réalisation de l’inventaire exhaustif des équipements de la chaine de froid sur l’ensemble du territoire en aout 2024. Dans les suites de cet inventaire, il contribuera à l’élaboration des différents documents pour accompagner la soumission du pays. C’est dans ce cadre que le Bureau pays de l’UNICEF en République du Congo cherche à recruter un(e) consultant(e) international(e) qui travaillera avec le gouvernement et les autres partenaires pendant toute la durée du processus de la candidature de la République du Congo pour le CCEOP. Les présents termes de référence définissent les objectifs de cette consultation, les livrables attendus et les conditions de réalisation de cette mission
Programme Associate EPAD, (GS-6), Fixed Term, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, #112171 Congo
UNICEF Congo-Brazzaville is looking for a colleague passionate about children's rights, to support the Education, Protection and Adolescent Development program.

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