Search Results - 187 results
Officer WASH, NO-1, Havana CUBA, No. 130966, Temporary Appointment in Cuba
Unicef en Cuba ¿Le gustaría trabajar con nuestro equipo para generar cambios positivos en la vida de niños, niñas y adolescentes? Esta puede ser una oportunidad. Entre el 18 de octubre y el 10 de noviembre del 2024 , Cuba se ha visto afectada por dos huracanes (Oscar, con importantes repercusiones en Guantánamo, y Rafael, que causó daños significativos en las provincias occidentales de Artemisa, Mayabeque y La Habana); dos terremotos (uno de magnitud 6,0 y otro de magnitud 6,7, al sureste de Pilón, en Granma); y dos desconexiones totales del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (SEN), con impacto directo en los servicios de agua. En este contexto donde UNICEF Cuba apoya en la respuesta efectiva a estas emergencias , se anuncia su convocatoria a la vacante de Oficial WASH ( agua, saneamiento e higiene) que apoyará la Respuesta de Emergencia de UNICEF bajo la supervisión general del Representante Adjunto y en coordinación con el Oficial de Emergencias de la CO. Este puesto proporcionará asistencia técnica, operativa y administrativa profesional para apoyar el desarrollo, la implementación y el seguimiento de los resultados de WASH del Programa de País. Le invitamos a consultar la Descripción del Perfil y los requerimientos para su postulación. !Tú puedes ser parte de nuestro equipo y trabajar a favor de la infancia y la adolescencia en el país! UNICEF tiene una política de tolerancia cero con respecto de cualquier conducta incompatible con los propósitos y objetivos de las Naciones Unidas, incluyendo explotación sexual y abuso, acoso sexual, abuso de autoridad y discriminación. Asimismo, UNICEF se adhiere a estrictos principios para la salvaguarda de la niñez. Las personas seleccionadas estarán sujetas a un riguroso proceso de verificación de antecedentes y referencias, y se espera se adhieran a los estándares y principios de UNICEF.
New Consultancy: Video Editing Consultant, Vaccine Centre, UNICEF Supply Division Copenhagen, Remote, 10 days over 2.5 months in Denmark
UNICEF Supply Division (SD) has identified strengthening national vaccine procurement practices as a key component of its approach to supporting Gavi transitioning and other middle-income countries (MICs) in ensuring sustainable access to and timely supply of affordable vaccines. To this end, UNICEF Supply Division has been supporting countries by facilitating such learning via multiple projects, including hosting the annual Vaccine Procurement Forum (VPF) since 2015, which is a unique opportunity to allow procurement practitioners from different countries/regions to network with and learn from peers and to catalyze momentum for future continuous exchanges. In addition, in 2016, VC established the virtual community of practice Vaccine Procurement Practitioners Network (VPPN) to provide a platform for the continuous exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, joint learning and collaborative problem-solving, for national stakeholders in the vaccine procurement process. Membership in the VPPN has grown over time as a result of a strategy to gradually include interested vaccine procurement practitioners from additional countries, as well as other relevant stakeholders and experts. The e-learning course on strategic vaccine procurement is closely connected to these activities, which provides procurement professionals with the background and necessary building blocks to develop a strategic vaccine approach. All three activities are part of the overall work VC is working on to support countries to strengthen their vaccine procurement processes, ensuring access to affordable, quality-assured vaccines for children. To support this effort, the consultant will support increasing the visibility of VC’s procurement strengthening work by editing key videos filmed during the 2024 VPFs with key participants.
Deputy Representative Operations, P5, Fixed Term (FT), Bogota, Colombia. Post No 129458. Only international candidates in Colombia
¡Join our UNICEF Colombia team and make a difference in the lives of children and adolescents! Our UNICEF Colombia team is looking for a Deputy Representative, Operations with at least 10 years of professional experience who provides supports the Head of the Office on managing the office and monitoring operations and programmes as needed, while providing advice on best and innovative management practices to enhance office performance. H/she will be responsible to lead for results, drive change, provide risk informed, solution-focused analysis, advice and services and contribute to programme and management decisions for delivering results for children in all operational contexts.
Consultant – Development of Zero Dose and Multi-Deprivation Analysis Tool, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO), Bangkok, Thailand in Thailand
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is seeking an individual consultant to develop a user-friendly tool for zero dose and multisector deprivation analysis, with clear results tables, graphs and subnational maps. Under the supervision of the UNICEF health specialist, the consultant will carry out the following activities: • Scope the existing tools on multisector deprivation, and the tool/data analysis carried out in the EAPRO desk review. • Based on the scoping, provide options for the user-friendly tool that would be fitting for the multisectoral zero dose analysis, including pros and cons of each option, online/offline, excel versus other programmes, etc. • Develop the agreed-upon tool, which includes simple instructions, auto-plotting, ride-over and plotting of data by user, analysis and automatic presentation of the results in geographical maps. • Testing of the tool, and cross checking the validity of the tool, including the time required for the complete assignment from start to finish for one select country, and validating the level of expertise required to use the tool. • Carry out the analysis for 10 countries in the region, with the latest available data, in consultation with UNICEF Country Offices. • Develop a 1-2 page information note on the tool for COs. • Work with UNICEF EAPRO and HQ to determine the platform (s) to be made available for UNICEF country offices.
Information Management Specialist (Education Cluster), NOC, Temporary Appointment (10 months), Kabul, Afghanistan, #131013 (Open to Afghan Nationals only) in Afghanistan
Afghanistan country office is seeking an Information Management Specialist (Education Cluster), responsible for ensuring IM processes effectively contribute to a well-coordinated, strategic, adequate, coherent, and effective response by participants in the Cluster that is accountable to those who are affected by the emergency. The incumbent is also responsible to enable an efficient and effective response to the humanitarian crisis, the IM Specialist is responsible for leading and managing the collection, analysis, and sharing of information that is essential for the Education Cluster partners to make informed, evidence-based, strategic decisions.
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