Search Results - 150 results
Climate Landscape Analysis Consultant, Belize, LACRO, 4-6 months (Remote/On-site Hybrid) in Belize
The Government of Belize, in partnership with UNICEF, is planning to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children, which will examine the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on children, adolescents, and vulnerable groups, including pregnant and lactating mothers and indigenous communities. The report will also explore the disaster risk framework and initiatives as well as the climate mitigation and adaptation efforts of neighboring countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, and regional coordination mechanisms like SICA, CCCCC, and the Mexico-Guatemala-Belize Trilateral Cooperation. The analysis will utilize evidence to provide actionable recommendations for key stakeholders, including government agencies, UNICEF, and regional partners, on how to effectively mitigate and adapt to climate change. These recommendations will aim to strengthen efforts to safeguard children’s rights and ensure a sustainable, climate-resilient future for Belize. Interested applicants should submit a CV, methodology proposal, financial proposal, references, and a sample of previous work. For full details on responsibilities, deliverables, and qualifications, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference.
Consultance nationale pour la réalisation d’un état des lieux de la justice, 6 mois, Bujumbura, Burundi in Burundi
Le consultant (e) national (e) va conduire, sous la supervision d’une consultante internationale dont le processus de sélection est finalisé, un travail qui consiste dans un premier temps à faire un état des lieux sur l’accès à la justice pour enfants au Burundi et dans un second temps à produire un document de stratégie nationale de protection des enfants en contact avec la loi.
Nutrition Specialist Grade NOC – # Temporary appointment – (364 days) Cotonou - Benin in Benin
The Nutrition Specialist supports the development and preparation of the nutrition programme and is responsible for managing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the programme progress of a sector of the nutrition programme within the country programme. The Nutrition Specialist provides technical guidance and management support throughout the programming processes to facilitate the administration and achievement of concrete and sustainable results in nutrition-sensitive interventions including value chain aspects for first foods. An emphasis will be put on dialogue with government and other actors particularly the private sector for the integration of nutrition into systems ( health, agriculture/ food systems, social protection, WASH & climate change and education), community and households’ resilience, community engagement, gender and women empowerment. This is carried out according to plans, allocation, results based-management approaches and methodology (RBM), as well as UNICEF’s Strategic Plans, standards of performance, and accountability framework.
Consultance nationale PASEREC, 25 jours, Bujumbura, Burundi in Burundi
L’objectif général de la consultation est de réaliser l’étude de référence pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi du programme PASEREC sur l’ensemble des composantes du PASEREC en faisant ressortir le contexte actuel de la situation de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement dans les zones cibles du projet et au niveau de la gouvernance.
Consultants individuels ingénieurs en construction, Cotonou et Parakou, Bénin in Benin
Renforcer l’appui technique de l’unité supply et logistique à travers le contrôle et la surveillance technique des travaux construction/réhabilitation et équipement des centres de vaccination internationale adaptés à la vaccination des adultes dans les Directions départementales de la santé, des Hôpitaux e des formations sanitaires des départements du Bénin et des travaux de mise aux normes et de réhabilitation du dépôt central des vaccins du PEV et d’espace de stockage à sec seront réalisés à l’annexe de l’Agence Nationale des Soins de Santé Primaires sise à Guinkomey à cotonou.
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