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Recrutement de six (06) consultant.e.s nationaux.nales en changement social et comportemental (SBC)/ Polio et Immunisation, différents lieux d'affectation in Niger
L’UNICEF Niger recrute six (06) consultant.e.s nationaux en Changement Social et Comportemental (CSC) afin d’appuyer les districts sanitaires prioritaires dans l’identification, la planification, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi-évaluation des interventions SBC visant à renforcer l’engagement communautaire en faveur des immunisations en général et de l’Initiative Mondiale pour l’Eradication de Poliomyélite en particulier. Cette consultation durera six (6) mois et, concernera les districts sanitaires prioritaires des régions d'Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Tillabéry et Zinder.
Recrutement d’un consultant international en appui à l’Initiative Mondiale de l’Eradication de la Poliomyélite, Niamey Niger in Niger
L’UNICEF recrute un.e consultant.e. international(e) en Changement Social et Comportemental (CSC) ou SBC afin d’assister la Direction des immunisations dans la préparation, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi-évaluation de la réponse contre la poliomyélite en matière de changement social et comportemental. Cela dans la perspective de renforcer l’engagement communautaire en faveur des immunisations en général et de l’Initiative Mondiale pour l’Eradication de Poliomyélite en particulier. Cette consultation durera six (6) mois et, concernera le niveau national avec un focus sur les districts sanitaires prioritaires des régions de Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabéri et Zinder.
Social & Behavior Change Data Specialist, Polio, P3, Abuja, Nigeria #131936, Temporary Appointment. in Nigeria
UNICEF Nigeria is looking for a Data specialist for the social Behavioral Change Section, to help provide the children of Nigeria new and improved solutions that help improve their lives. Working with a large and dynamic country office team in a vibrant country with a huge innovation and technology ecosystem, this position is uniquely placed to have an impact.
Corporate Alliance Officer, NoB, TA (364 days), Conakry, Guinea - WCAR in Guinea
Under the general supervision of the Partnership Specialist, you will develop, manage, and evaluate non-financial partnerships with the corporate community in support of UNICEF’s mission and objectives in the country. You will also pilot innovative solutions for on-the-ground programme delivery, set the child rights agenda in policy and advocacy development, and enhance the organization’s credibility and brand as a technical expert in the area of child rights and responsible business. The position is also expected to provide technical input in line with UNICEF’s strategic framework on CSR and manage programmatic alliances with national CSR-related agencies, including business industry champions and the Companies Commission of Guinea
Education Specialist, NoC, FT, #104656, Conakry, Guinea - WCAR in Guinea
Under the guidance and general supervision of the Chief, Education (Level 5/4), or Education Manager (Level 4), you support the development and preparation of Education (or a sector of) programmes and are responsible for managing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the progress of education programmes/projects within the country programme. As a Specialist, you provide technical guidance and management support throughout the programming processes to facilitate the administration and achievement of results on education programmes/projects aimed at improving learning outcomes and promoting equitable and inclusive education, especially for children who are marginalized, disadvantaged, and excluded in societyYou contribute to the achievement of results according to plans, allocations, results-based management (RBM) approaches and methodologies, as well as UNICEF’s Strategic Plans, standards of performance, and accountability framework.
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