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Consultant chargé de la coordination de la recherche WiLL (Women in Learning Leadership) - Conakry, Guinée - Global Office of Research and Foresight - approx. 78 jours ouvrés, basé en Guinée in Guinea
L’UNICEF Innocenti - Global Office of Research and Foresight cherche à nommer un consultant pour soutenir la section éducation dans la mise en œuvre du projet de recherche Women in Learning Leadership (WiLL) en Guinée, dans le but de mieux comprendre le rôle et l'impact des directrices d'école en Guinée. Ces données alimenteront divers produits régionaux et mondiaux, dans le but d'élargir les connaissances sur le leadership scolaire des femmes et l'apprentissage des élèves. Le consultant en coordination et facilitation de la recherche WiLL sera basé à Conakry, en Guinée.
Spécialiste genre et adolescentes, P-3, Temporary Contract (364 jours) – N’Djamena (Tchad) in Chad
Le bureau de l’UNICEF au Tchad est à la recherche d’un(e) professionnel(le) engagé(e) et expérimenté(e) pour le poste temporaire de Spécialiste genre et adolescentes pour fournir un appui technique dans la mise en œuvre des interventions intégrées de l’UNICEF au Tchad pour soutenir l’introduction du vaccin HPV en adoptant une approche multisectorielle innovante. Cela inclura la collaboration avec les secteurs santé, éducation, protection de l’enfance, et WASH, tout en travaillant sur les normes sociales et en promouvant la participation des jeunes et plus spécifiquement des filles.
Consultancy: Assessment and development of Urban Wastewater Treatment Innovation Solution, Office of Innovation - WASH Hub, Copenhagen, Denmark - 6 months (remote) in Denmark
The vision of the UNICEF Sustainable WASH Innovation Hub (WASH Hub) is to be a global home for building, accelerating and scaling transformational climate resilient solutions for a WASH secure future of universal and equitable access to services, addressing the full ambition of the SDG6. The WASH Hub sources, pilots and scales transformational climate-resilient solutions that respond to key programmatic challenges that, if solved, will unlock faster progress for a water secure future for children and young people. Solutions are selected based on their potential to accelerate results for children across multiple countries and regions. One of the solutions in the portfolio, Urban Wetlands Wastewater Treatment, is a nature-based WASH innovation aiming to provide sustainable, cheaper, climate-resilient wastewater treatment services. The Consultant will support the WASH Hub by documenting the experience of the UNICEF teams currently implementing Urban Wetlands Wastewater Treatment with the objective of optimizing the approach for impactful scaling both within Bangladesh and into other countries in a range of regions and national contexts.
In-person Knowledge Management Internship with the Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) section (6 months) - Office of Emergency Programmes (EMOPS), Geneva, Switzerland in Switzerland
The EMOPS AAP section is looking for a dynamic intern to provide KM support.
National Individual Consultant: Needs Assessment Specialist for West Bank Child Protection Needs Assessment in State of Palestine (SoP)
UNICEF State of Palestine is seeking for a National Individual Consultant to develop a complete and thorough overview of the local child protection risks and needs). The duration of this assignment is (39 working days over 4 months period )
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