Search Results - 158 results
International Consultant: Evidence Generation on Status of WASH-Nutrition Synergy, ESARO (Remote) in Kenya
This consultancy will complement ongoing efforts to map and cost community-based nutrition initiatives in six ESAR countries: Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia. The focus of this work is to document community-based nutrition interventions, assess their linkages with other community health programs, define a common community nutrition package that incorporates scalable, non-health workforce interventions, and conduct a high-level costing analysis to inform budgeting and resource mobilization.
International Consultancy for Enhancing Teaching and Learning Practices in the inclusive schools in Azerbaijan in Azerbaijan
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to the UNICEF Country Office and the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan in reviewing the progress and challenges of implementing inclusive education in general education schools. The consultancy will support national capacity-building initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of pedagogy and teaching practices in inclusive classrooms. At primary and secondary schools Furthermore, it will contribute to ensuring the sustainability and expansion of inclusive education within the national education system.
National Individual Consultancy for technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry to support early identification and intervention programme and strengthening parenting support in providing ECD in Turkmenistan
Given the need to scale up and provide comprehensive support to children with developmental delays, difficulties, and/or disabilities and their families nationwide during the critical early years, this assignment will support the Ministry of Health in increasing the coverage of early monitoring and intervention services in regions. Purpose of Assignment: Provide technical assistance to MoHMI in establishing early intervention services at all selected ECD facilities and support the introduction of the GMCD package to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of timely identification and appropriate care for children with developmental difficulties.
National Consultancy – Review Roles and Responsibilities of Village Officials in Cambodia
The United Nations Children’s Fund in Cambodia is looking for a consultant for National Consultancy – Review Roles and Responsibilities of Village Officials. The minimum qualification required is at least an advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent, or PhD) in economics, public policy, sociology, development, public health or related fields with 8 years of evaluation/ research and/or technical experience with an excellent knowledge of qualitative and quantitative methods and development guidelines or policy documents. If you are passionate about making a lasting difference for children in Cambodia, UNICEF would like to hear from you.
National WASH consultant for monitoring, quality assurance and documentation, and certification of WASH works in Cambodia
The United Nations Children’s Fund in Cambodia is looking for a national WASH consultant for monitoring, quality assurance and documentation, and certification of WASH works. The minimum qualification required is at least a master’s degree in WASH engineering, with a particular focus on wastewater treatment, or other relevant technical area with at least five years of post-qualification professional work experience in quality assurance and reporting of WASH related construction projects, including with installation of solar energy system. If you are passionate about making a lasting difference for children in Cambodia, UNICEF would like to hear from you.
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