Search Results - 138 results
National Consultancy Vacancy for Yemen Social and Behavior Change Polio Surge Support, Aden,9 months, Office-Based in Yemen
UNICEF Yemen is seeking a highly skilled and experienced consultant to support the polio social and behavior change efforts in Yemen based in the Aden Field Office during the response to the poliovirus outbreak, working under the supervision of the Chief of SBC in UNICEF Country Office and in close collaboration with the Chief of Field Office of Aden, SBC specialist in Aden, and the WHO communication team at national and Aden level, and Health Offices’ Extended Programme on Immunization and Health Education Centers.
Home-based Consultancy: Junior Administrative Systems Consultant (135 working days for 9 months), ECARO, O/P Italy in Italy
Under the direct supervision of the Country Coordinator, the Consultant will provide support to the UNICEF National Response in Italy in information management to harmonize data collection and analysis and in administration to improve the office’s communication.
Consultants individuels ingénieurs en construction, Cotonou et Parakou, Bénin in Benin
Renforcer l’appui technique de l’unité supply et logistique à travers le contrôle et la surveillance technique des travaux construction/réhabilitation et équipement des centres de vaccination internationale adaptés à la vaccination des adultes dans les Directions départementales de la santé, des Hôpitaux e des formations sanitaires des départements du Bénin et des travaux de mise aux normes et de réhabilitation du dépôt central des vaccins du PEV et d’espace de stockage à sec seront réalisés à l’annexe de l’Agence Nationale des Soins de Santé Primaires sise à Guinkomey à cotonou.
Senior Consultant (Contracts and Agreements), Public Partnerships Division (PPD), NYHQ, 6 months (Remote) in United States
Positioned within the Systems, Analytics, Partnerships Risk Management, Planning and Operations team (SARPO) of PPD and under the supervision of the Risk Manager, the Senior Consultant (Contracts and Agreements) will conceptualize and create a searchable and systematized digital database of public sector donor conditions and develop and deliver trainings and capacity-building resources for PPD teams on negotiating public sector agreements. The Senior Consultant (Contracts and Agreements) will further conduct review of PPD compliance with Delegation of Authority and Resource Mobilization policies and make recommendations to improve related processes, as needed.
Consultoría Internacional de Apoyo Técnico en la Elaboración De Guías GABSA para Escolares y Adolescentes del Paraguay, Asunción, Duración 9 meses in Paraguay
Asistencia técnica para dar continuidad al proceso de elaboración de las Guías Alimentarias basadas en Sistemas Alimentarios (GABSA) para escolares y adolescentes del Paraguay.
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