Search Results - 161 results
International individual consultancy for curriculum of extra-curricular STEM clubs in schools in Uzbekistan
The international consultant will be tasked to develop the curriculum of the STEM clubs, teacher guide and the corresponding teaching and learning materials. The international consultant will work closely with MOPSE, UNICEF CO team and national consultant to complete the task. The Consultant will also provide support in evaluation of bidding/tender documents for procurement of the required STEM kits and other equipment for the established ICT/STEM rooms in schools.
Consultor especializado Políticas Sociales y Protección Social en niñez y adolescencia CLE 24- 2025 in Chile
La consultoría tiene como propósito apoyar la implementación del plan de trabajo 2025 del área de Políticas Sociales, en consideración a las actividades vinculadas al programa de cooperación de UNICEF Chile1 en Protección Social de niños, niñas y adolescentes.
El área de Comunicaciones se encuentra realizando un proceso de selección de profesionales especializados en cobertura periodísca, creación documental, generación de contenidos para redes sociales y/o post-producción digital, para contar con un grupo de proveedores externos de servicios audiovisuales para múlples plataformas.
National Individual Consultant- Evidence Triangulation and Qualitative Data Collection for the Akelius Digital Language Course Programme in Tuzla and Una Sana Cantons- 41 working days in Bosnia & Herzegovina
UNICEF BiH is looking for one national individual consultant to be contracted for a total of 41 working days over a period of 4 months. The consultant will work with the UNICEF Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Office and the UNICEF Office of Research- Innocenti to prepare and implement the data collection and analysis and to produce the report.
International consultant to support the Uzbekistan Columbia Centre for Strengthening Communities and Social Well-Being in Uzbekistan
International consultant is required to provide technical expertise in research methodology, and tool development to support the Centre in designing rigorous methodologies and research tools for these studies. The consultant will work closely with NASP and the Uzbekistan Columbia Centre to develop research methodologies, design data collection tools, and guide the local research team.
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