Search Results - 154 results
Publication Interne/Externe: Consultant National Specialist en Communication, 06 mois , NOC, du Projet de Promotion de l'Accès au Financement, à l'Entrepreneuriat et à l'Emploi au Mali (PAFEEM(PAFEEM), Bamako in Mali
Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Communication du Bureau du Mali, qui coordonne les travaux de communication du PAFEEM, le Consultant National en Communication développera et mettra en œuvre une approche stratégique pour la communication et la visibilité de la composante 3 du projet PAFEEM, mis en œuvre par l'UNICEF, intitulé « Soutien aux activités génératrices de revenus et à la création d'emplois ».
Recrutement de Consultant National pour réaliser l’etude baseline du projet « Renforcement des institutions et des communautés pour une mise en œuvre efficace de la justice juvénile en Mauritanie» in Mauritania
Ouvert uniquement aux candidats nationaux. Les candidatures féminines sont vivement encouragées et des personnes en situation de handicap.
National Digital Advocacy & Communications Consultant (Youth Engagement &Donor Visibility), Ghana - 12 months in Ghana
A National Advocacy and Communications Consultant for the Advocacy and Communications section at UNICEF Ghana to support youth engagement activities around U-Report and donor visibility.
Internships (Support to the Executive Office), Education Cannot Wait (ECW), 2 months (June - July 2025), New York, REQ#580448 in United States
ECW is looking for two interns to support its Executive Office, which is led by the ECW Director and Deputy Director, coordinated by an Executive Specialist and two General Service staff members. If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children and youth entitled to an education in emergencies, we would like to hear from you.
Internships (Advocacy Communication), Education Cannot Wait (ECW), Hosted Fund, New York, 6 months, REQ#580449 in United States
ECW is recruiting two interns to join our dynamic Advocacy & Communications Section. Under the overall guidance of the Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and the direct supervision of the Chief of Advocacy/Communications, the selected intern(s) will play a pivotal role in providing professional advocacy and communication support. This opportunity is designed to support the development and implementation of the ECW strategic plan, offering interns a chance to contribute to meaningful global education initiatives.
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