Search Results - 251 results
Consultancy: Mapping of Early Childhood and Parenting Policies, Programme and Interventions- MENARO, Amman (Remote), 95 Days in Jordan
UNICEF is looking for a consultant to undertake following three deliverables: 1. Conduct a mapping of Early Childhood Development (ECD) policies, programmes and interventions in the Middle East and North Africa countries with a specific focus on early years. 2. Develop a regional ECD roadmap to define the MENA ECD narrative and operationalize the UNICFE’s global vision on ECD. 3. Build tools and capacities of the ECD country offices focal points UNICEF’s MENA ECD narrative through remote support and a face-to-face training. This assignment will primarily focus on understanding the programming landscape and defining the narrative and roadmap for ECD during early years through the lens of gender and disability. It will also provide updates to the existing parenting landscape.
Re-advertisement: Planning & Monitoring Officer, NOA, FT #125354 Tehran, Iran - MENA in Iran
Considering the new guidance for country programme planning, the findings of the 2022 audit report, the oversight and quality assurance demand driven by the programme components and the need for routine application of informed programming principles, ICO needs to scale up its PME functions across the office both in depth and coverage. This calls for an improved and integrated budget planning, monitoring and management, more robust oversight of HACT and implementing partners, regular field presence to monitor programme delivery and quality, improved and institutionalized outcome and impact monitoring of the interventions/programmes and evidence generation through study, research, and evaluation efforts in line with accountability and informed programming principles. Accordingly, ICO is considering increasing the required capacity by having a PME specialist, a PME officer and a senior budget associate on board. While the PM officer position will have a dotted line to the Deputy Representative Operations and the finance officer for a harmonized and coordinated oversight of the financial aspects of the HACT, it will also support addressing the growing demand from the donor community for improved monitoring of the deliverables and results. This position is only open for national candidates.
Readvertisement: Planning & Monitoring Officer, NOA, Temporary Appointment (TA-364 Days), #130355, Dhaka, Bangladesh # 576899 (For Bangladeshi Nationals only) in Bangladesh
The Planning and Monitoring Officer will provide technical support throughout planning and monitoring function of UNICEF Bangladesh. This will include support to programme performance monitoring, preparation, and monitoring of Dhaka and other field offices including Cox’s Bazar, as well as support in information/data collection, statistics and data analysis, preparation of reports to enhance the use of data, and in implementing training programmes at national and sub-national data collection, monitoring, planning and capacity building with special attention to the interest, concern, and participation of primary stakeholders. The Planning and Monitoring Officer will also support both planning and monitoring functions of UNICEF Bangladesh. S/he will support in work planning process, information management, Humanitarian Performance Monitoring (HPM), Implementation monitoring and partners’ reporting functions of the Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (PMR) Team of UNICEF Bangladesh.
Consultant (12 months, home-based): Market Research Specialist, Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships (PFP) in Panama
This role is being established to support an assessment and delivery of improved audience and market insights in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. Audience and Market Insight (AMI) have no current resourcing dedicated to LAC, and this limits both the understanding of LAC, but also the available capabilities to support fundraising, communications, and advocacy activities in the region. There are four main areas have been identified that require support: - Insight planning: identifying the research needs of Communications, Advocacy and Fundraising Chiefs in LAC, and how those needs can be met by a multi-year program of insight. - Localization of findings: supporting AMI global team to optimize and tailor local and global reporting and workshops to the needs of local markets, supporting the more effective communication and implementation of findings. - Development of resource plan: the role will work with the Chief of AMI, in alignment with the LACRO Chiefs of PFP and Communications to determine a sustainable resourcing plan that accompanies the insight plan. - Establishing audience fundamentals: work with countries to assess the addressable audiences for communications, advocacy, and fundraising. - Understanding of LAC audiences: aid AMI and LACRO in being connected to and understanding the addressable needs of audiences in LAC, and how local teams are prioritizing and engaging them.
Consultant(e) International(e) en charge de l’analyse de la situation des enfants dans les zones minières artisanales, Kalemie, RDC, 3 mois. in Democratic Republic of Congo
L'exploitation des activités minières artisanales offre de significatives possibilités pour favoriser le développement économique et social des régions extractives. Dans la région du Tanganyika, plus précisément dans les territoires de Nyunzu et Manono, l'extraction de coltan, de cassitérite et d'or représente l'activité économique majeure. Cependant, l'accès aux services sociaux de base reste limité. Pour faire face à la pauvreté, beaucoup de familles s'appuient sur les ressources obtenues grâce au travail des enfants. Selon les données de la dernière enquête MICS-Palu, 7,1 % des enfants âgés de 5 à 11 ans participent à des activités économiques pendant au moins une heure. Il est essentiel de comprendre la condition des enfants résidant dans les régions de la province où cette exploitation a lieu. Cela permettra de confirmer si les conditions de vie des enfants favorisent l’exercice de leurs droits dans tous les domaines importants (santé, nutrition, eau, assainissement, protection, participation, éducation). En vue de rendre disponible les données sur la situation des enfants dans les zones minières, le Bureau de l’UNICEF Kalemie qui couvre la province du Tanganyika concernée, se propose de réaliser une étude sur la situation des enfants dans les zones minières, en collaboration avec ses partenaires afin de maximiser les ressources et s’assurer que les efforts de cette étude soient intégrés dans les projets similaires des multiples parties prenantes.
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