Search Results - 151 results
Roster of Consultants for Communications Expertise, Education Outcomes Fund (EOF), UNICEF Hosted Fund, Remote, REQ#580644 in Senegal
Education Outcomes Fund (EOF) aims to create a roster of experienced consultants who can support EOF with the development and implementation of its communications strategy.
Individual Consultant – TypeScript and Javascript developer- 90 working days, Remote/Home-based in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Under the supervision of Child Rights Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, and in close collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the consultant will support the adaptation and localization of the NRTD. The NRTD operates on JavaScript and TypeScript technologies, primarily built with React.js and Next.js. The consultant will assist in addressing a backlog of feature improvements, particularly in optimizing the control panel to improve user workflows and experiences. The consultant will provide technical expertise to enhance the platform’s functionality, and interoperability, ensuring its effective integration into the human rights reporting processes of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Internship- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in Eritrea
The overall aim of the internship is to assist PME Specialist to provide oversight of office-wide programme planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation.
Consultant Individuel - "Soutien au renforcement des services inclusifs et de qualité pour la protection des enfants en situation de migration", Maroc, 5 mois in Morocco
Sous la supervision de la Chargée de Programme Protection de l’Enfance - Migration, le/ la consultant/e aura pour objectif principal de soutenir les efforts des partenaires nationaux dans la mise en place et le renforcement des services inclusifs et de qualité pour la protection des enfants en situation de migration.
Consultant: Fundraising, Education Outcomes Fund (EOF), Hosted Fund, 12 Months, Remote, Req:580571 in Senegal
Education Outcomes Fund (EOF) is looking for an exceptional Consultant (Fundraising) to support EOF’s Chief of Operations to grow EOF’s partnerships and fundraising efforts, advising EOF’s leadership team about EOF's pipeline of future programs and strengthening relationships at senior levels of government around the world.
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