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Senior Finance Associate, GS-7, Fixed Term, Antananarivo,#11716 in Madagascar
Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Finance (Finance Specialist), l’Assistant principal aux Finances assurera l’accomplissement de diverses tâches dans les fonctions de la finance, de manière adéquate et opportune, et en conformité avec les règles et règlementations financières de l’UNICEF, tout en démontrant une capacité d’identifier, d’adapter et d’évaluer les cas irréguliers, il recommandera également des solutions d’améliorations de la mise en œuvre et conception des services.
(Re-advertisement) Consultant - Analyses of Local Governance and Service Provision for Children and Young People, UNICEF Thailand Country Office, Bangkok, Job No #579969 in Thailand
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is recruiting a qualified consultant to undertake two principal analyses: (a) an analysis of local governance and public service delivery for children, particularly services related to UNICEF Thailand’s programmatic areas2; and (b) a mapping and analysis of the Decentralization to the Local Government Organization Committee (DLOC). Additionally, the role of the consultant includes providing advisory services concerning Thailand’s decentralization characteristics and its ramifications for UNICEF’s programming.
Consultancy to conduct a Rapid Assessment of Child and Adolescent Road Safety in Thailand, UNICEF Thailand Country Office, Bangkok, Job No #580523 in Thailand
The Young People Team of the UNICEF Thailand Country Office is seeking an expert to lead a Rapid Assessment of Child and Adolescent Road Safety in Thailand. This assessment will provide a comprehensive analysis of the burden and impact of road traffic injuries on children and adolescents, identify key risk factors, and review existing road safety policies, laws, and interventions, particularly those targeting children and youth. The rapid assessment will map out relevant stakeholders and highlight opportunities for strengthened collaboration. The findings will inform UNICEF’s engagement in this area, support evidence-based advocacy for safer environments for children and adolescents and contribute to the preparation of the new UNICEF Thailand Country Programme 2027-2031 by helping to identify UNICEF’s comparative advantage in addressing road safety challenges.
Consultoría Internacional de Apoyo Técnico en la Elaboración De Guías GABSA para Escolares y Adolescentes del Paraguay, Asunción, Duración 9 meses in Paraguay
Asistencia técnica para dar continuidad al proceso de elaboración de las Guías Alimentarias basadas en Sistemas Alimentarios (GABSA) para escolares y adolescentes del Paraguay.
Emergency Specialist, P3, Qamishli, Syria, MENA Region #131841 (Temp. Appt./ 6 months) in Syrian Arab Republic
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of children and mothers during emergencies? UNICEF is looking for a dedicated Emergency Specialist to join our team and in Qamishli/Syria to lead our emergency preparedness and response efforts.
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