Search Results - 22 results
National consultant to strengthen legislative and regulatory measures to improve school food environments for better nutrition, 50 w/ds, Dushanbe, Tajikistan in Tajikistan
The purpose of the consultancy is to strengthen national legislative and regulatory measures with an aim to improve school food environments (availability of safe, nutritious food, restriction on marketing and promotion of unhealthy food and beverages, adequate space for physical activity) for better nutrition for school-age children and adolescents.
National consultancy to support the organization of a high-level dissemination and advocacy event on investment in the local production of therapeutic foods, 23 w/ds, Dushanbe, Tajikistan in Tajikistan
The purpose of the consultancy is to coordinate the organization of the high-level advocacy event in support of local production of therapeutic nutrition foods in Tajikistan, based on the findings of the feasibility study on the local production of RUTF/RUSF, with participation of relevant government and non-government stakeholders (e.g. ministries, committees, agencies, development partners, donors and IFIs, the private sector stakeholders and the local civil society).
Nutrition Consultant: To provide onsite technical assistance to the Nutrition Section of Family Welfare Division/DoHS/MoHP,Kathmandu, Nepal in Nepal
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for committed professional and expert to provide focused and intensive technical support to the Nutrition Section of Family Welfare Division, HMIS section and coordinate with Procurement and Supply section of Management Division of DoHS/Ministry of Health and Population to ensure effective implementation of comprehensive nutrition specific packages, quality reporting on progress and program performance for 1 year.
Consultant Individuel National-Chargé de Protection–Dispositifs Territoriaux Intégrés de Protection de l’Enfance (DTIPE), Maroc, 4 mois in Morocco
Sous la supervision de la Cheffe de section Protection de l’Enfance de l’UNICEF Maroc, le/la consultant(e) aura pour mission de renforcer la présence et le travail de l'UNICEF sur le terrain. Il/elle devra établir des liens solides entre les autorités de protection, la société civile et d'autres partenaires clés. Son rôle consistera à fournir une assistance technique pour la mise en place de dispositifs territoriaux intégrés de protection de l’enfance dans les provinces touchées par le séisme. Cela inclura l'évaluation de la faisabilité opérationnelle du modèle proposé et l'orientation et l'accompagnement dans l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de ce dispositif dans les provinces cibles.
Consultancy: ICT Consultant with the Video Conferencing team, ICTD Digital Headquarters, New York, USA (7 months, onsite) in United States
We are seeking a Consultant to support the IT projects and new initiatives planned by Technology Architecture and Operations Section, part of Information & Communication Technology Division on the UNICEF New York Headquarters. The work is onsite for the UNICEF NY HQ, United States.
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