Search Results - 261 results
Consultant International Spécialiste en Gestion des Vaccins, en Chaine de Froid Logistique, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 6 mois in Burkina Faso
Le bureau UNICEF du Burkina Faso desire recruter un Consultant International Spécialiste en Gestion des Vaccins, en Chaine de Froid et Logistique (GV & CFL) dans le cadre d’une réponse à une d’épidémie de poliomyélite. Bien que le Consultant International Spécialiste en GV & CFL soit une fonction essentielle pour toute activité de vaccination supplémentaire contre la poliomyélite, il devient particulièrement important lorsque le nouveau vaccin antipoliomyélitique oral de type 2 (nOPV-2) est utilisé pour faire face à une flambée ou à un événement dû au polio virus de type de 2 la polio (PV2) après l'achèvement du passage global du VPO
Consultant international chargé d’appuyer à l’estimation des couts de la stratégie nationale de vaccination au Niger (40 jours ouvrables)- in Niger
L'objectif de la présente consultation est d'appuyer la budgétisation et le ciblage des ressources nationales de la stratégie nationale de la vaccination sur la base de considérations d'équité et rendre disponible le document d’estimation effective du coût de la stratégie Nationale de la vaccination 2024-2030 à travers le NIS-Costing tool.
Batch Recruitment of Monitoring Specialist, NOC, (4 positions: Niamey/Diffa/Maradi/Tahoua), Niger (Temporary Appointment: 364 days) in Niger
The assignment's mission is to support delegated project management in the field, in collaboration with the regional teams of ANFICT and FAFPA and regional technical assistance units, with quarterly reports on activity implementation, delivery of expected outputs, and overall progress toward approved annual programs. This role (4 positions available) will be regionally based and jointly managed by the Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Specialist of the Management Unit and the Head of the Area Office. The role aligns with the geographic coverage of regional technical assistants and ANFICT regional offices, with close collaboration required with the regional Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.
Finance Specialist (Risk Reduction), NOC, Niamey, Niger #130932 (Temporary Appointment: 364 days) in Niger
The mission of the Finance and Fiduciary Risk Reduction Specialist is to ensure the effective and efficient use of resources provided to the government, aligning with the Procedures Manual, Partnership Pact, and program objectives.
Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, P3, Niamey, Niger #130934 (Temporary Appointment: 364 days) in Niger
The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist is a member of the FCSE Management Unit reporting to a Head of Unit/Coordinator of the Education Sector Common Fund. The role is the responsibility of the FCSE Field Unit Coordinator for supervision. The Officer provides professional technical, operational and administrative assistance throughout the FCSE by implementing a variety of technical and administrative tasks to assist with the planning, implementation, execution monitoring planning and reporting of the evaluation process to ensure that evaluations are completed in accordance with the planned timeline and that the results and recommendations are implemented and monitored.
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