Search Results - 149 results
National Consultant: Protection of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Kathmandu, Nepal Country Office (Home Based with travel required within country) in Nepal
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for committed professional and expert to provide guidance and technical support on strengthening the Protection of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) processes in NCO. The assignment is for 130 days within a period of 8 months, and it is home based assignment with travel required within country.
(Re-advertisement) Roster of Evaluation Senior Consultant, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional (EAPRO), Bangkok, Thailand in Thailand
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office is issuing a call for the expansion of an evaluation roster expertise as part of ongoing efforts to enhance evaluation capacities in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region. Consultancies being sought include Team Lead Evaluator, Senior Consultant, Mid-level/National Consultant, Data Analyst/Researcher, and Young Emerging Evaluators.
National Health Consultant, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8.5 months (open for Bulgarian nationals only) in Bulgaria
UNICEF intends to recruit a consultant/medical expert to support UNICEF office and Ministry of Health by policy analysis in the immunization programme, focusing on unvaccinated and under-vaccinated children with a special accent on vulnerable children.
Sierra Leone Project Coordination Consultancy/Education Outcomes Fund/Hosted Funds/remote/Req#580666 in United Kingdom
The Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge (SLEIC) programme is a partnership between the Government of Sierra Leone, outcome funders, education delivery partners and social investors. Five different delivery partners have been selected to support 325 schools across five implementation lots to improve learning outcomes for 136,000 children in partnership with school leadership and teachers in accordance with the Basic Education curriculum. The program will run for nine school terms, starting September 2022 and ending in August 2025. The aim is to generate evidence to inform which interventions are the most effective in Sierra Leone context, which can then be scaled up by Government and donors. Using a result-based financing approach, service providers are expected to build sustainable capacity in schools, targeting interventions that improve learning beyond the life of the programme. In addition to the SLEIC programme, the Education Outcomes Fund is working with the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) to set up an outcomes fund that will support the rapid expansion of early childhood education (ECE) provision through community early childhood development (ECD) centres while ensuring that the ECE services provided are high quality and support holistic child development. The implementation of this program is expected to run from Spring 2025 to the end of 2028
Consultance Internationale état des lieux du corps de travail des services, 4 mois 15 jours, Bujumbura - Burundi in Burundi
L’objectif de la présente consultation est de faire l’état des lieux sur le corps de travail des services sociaux au Burundi (incluant les travailleurs sociaux étatiques et non-étatiques, les para professionnels ainsi que les acteurs communautaires) et de ressortir des recommandations qui pourront informer l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale de renforcement du corps de travail des services sociaux pour le Burundi, afin de mieux protéger les enfants contre les violences, l’abus et l’exploitation.
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