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Gender Programme Specialist, (NO3/FT), Bujumbura, Burundi #127624 (opened only for Burundian candidates) in Burundi
In alignment with the GAP, the role of the Gender Programme Specialist is primarily technical and programmatic, with the normative advocacy and coordination roles serving a secondary function. The Specialist provides authoritative technical guidance/operational support throughout all stages of programming to facilitate the management and delivery of results contributing to gender equality in alignment with the Gender Action Plan. S/he supports the development, implementation, and monitoring of high-quality gender programming/projects across sectors in alignment with the Gender Action Plan. S/he 1) supports senior programme colleagues and management of the Country Office to advance one or more of the four targeted Gender Priorities in the Gender Action Plan with support from the Regional Gender Adviser. S/he also plays a role in working with one or more of the 7 UNICEF sectors to mainstream gender by prioritizing key gender results within the sector(s) with a strong gender relevance; 2) supports cross-sectional collaboration and coordination on key programmatic results on gender, ensuring coherence, maximization of synergies and efficiency in utilization of resources and delivery of results; 3) works with programme colleagues and management so that gender results are effectively defined, measured, and reported, and high quality assessment, research, evidence generation and evaluation on gender programming is undertaken and utilized, including through the application of the MoRES framework and effective theories of change; 4) Supports effective review, assessment, planning, capacity building, and knowledge management on gender; 5) Supports the assessment and identification of gender needs for emergency preparedness and response, and provides gender relevant guidance and technical input on emergency programming.
Consultance internationale - Appui à la finalisation du dossier de soumission du programme sur la transformation du système éducatif , Bujumbura,Burundi,75 jours in Burundi
Appuyer le Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche Scientifique du Burundi, le Groupe sectoriel de l’éducation ainsi que l’UNICEF pour finaliser le processus de soumission au GPE du document de programme intégrant les commentaires du processus d’examen de la qualité (QAR1) et les éventuels autres commentaires pertinents.
Consultant(e) National(e) : Prise en charge du soutien Psychosocial (SMSPS) liée à l’épidémie de Monkey-pox, Sankuru et Nord Kivu, 90 jours in Democratic Republic of Congo
La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) continue de faire face à l'une des crises les plus complexes et les plus oubliées du monde, après des années d'intensification d'une lutte qui dure depuis des décennies. A cette situation s’ajoute la récente déclaration du 18 décembre 2022 de l'épidémie de mpox au niveau national, ainsi que des différentes déclarations successives du Centres « for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) », le 13 août 2024 soulignant le niveau d’urgence de la santé publique à la protée internationale sur la prise en charge de l’épidémie mpox en RDC et dans d'autres pays africains. A cela s’ajoute la déclaration de l’OMS du 14 août sur l'augmentation du nombre de cas qui constitue une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale (PHEIC). C’est ainsi, dans le cadre de l’appui à la mise en œuvre du plan national du Gouvernement en sa qualité de co-lead du Pilier Santé Mentale et Soutien Psychosociale, UNICEF recrute deux consultants nationaux pour assurer un appui de proximité aux provinces affectées par l’épidémie mpox dans les provinces de Sankuru, du Nord Kivu ou du Sud Kivu.
Consultoría para implementación del uso de la caja de herramientas en docentes para la prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad y la promoción de hábitos saludables en escuelas del Municipales de Quito en el periodo 2024-2025 in Ecuador
Implementar el uso de la caja de herramientas COMEAVENTURAS en las unidades educativas municipales del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito por parte de los docentes hacia preescolares y escolares de 3 a 12 años para promover estilos de vida más saludables.
Team Member Follow-up Evaluation to the Formative Evaluation of UNICEF work to reduce multi-dimensional deprivations for children living in slums and information settlements. - Req #575526 in United States
The thematic scope of this exercise aligns with that of the evaluation of UNICEF work for children in urban settings and the objectives of the follow-up evaluation, including additional emerging needs and ongoing organizational changes around UNICEF work in urban settings. Risk analyses will be produced in areas identified as key in the evaluation, vis-à-vis current global emerging needs, and organizational changes around urban work. Particular attention will be given to ongoing work on urban resilience and peacebuilding for in-depth analyses. The geographical scope of this follow-up evaluation is global, with regional and country level assessments of progress, prioritizing regions where limited progress has been made between 2021 until 2024. In deemed relevant, field-based primary data collection and country selection will follow similar selection criteria as those utilized for the 2021 urban evaluation. Particular attention will be given to countries with ongoing work on urban resilience and peacebuilding
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