Search Results - 240 results
National WASH Donor Relation Coordinator for the provision of strengthening coordination of support provided to Kryvyi Rih on water, wastewater and district heating related activities, Kyiv, Ukraine, 12 months (remote) in Ukraine
The consultant will play a critical role in supporting UNICEF’s WASH programming in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine. The consultant will focus on coordinating donor relations, mobilizing resources, and ensuring alignment with strategic objectives. As part of government's efforts to rehabilitate water, wastewater, and heating systems in a city with 700,000 residents, the coordinator will bridge communication between stakeholders, donors, and implementing partners. The consultant will ensure that financial and technical support from donors is optimally utilized to address critical infrastructure degradation, rising public health risks, and to maintain emergency services for vulnerable populations, especially children, affected by the ongoing war.
Consultant on National and Local Youth Policy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 11 months (office based) in Ukraine
The purpose of this consultancy is to support achievement of UNICEF Ukraine’s goals in youth policy strengthening. In particular, it will include the following tasks: • Support the UNICEF Ukraine Country Office through technical advice and coordination in the development of strategic frameworks and Theories of Change, relating to Youth Policy and youth employment systems and models; • To prepare evidence and compile data to inform UNICEF’s advocacy in youth policy review and development,; • To provide technical support and advice in UNICEF’s policy engagement on youth employment and youth as a driving force of human capital • To support the analysis of localised youth policies and key deprivations of youth in hromadas, and provide recommendations on how to address the gaps; • To support UNICEF and implementing partners in planning of youth policy implementation in hromadas; • Providing technical advice to hromadas, sharing effective practices and referring them to experts or peers for knowledge sharing; • Support UNICEF in capacity building of implementing partners to deliver sustainable youth policy in hromadas; • Supporting UNICEF and hromadas in showcasing their practices for the purposes of upstream youth policy work.
Home-based: Knowledge Management and Communication Consultant (70 working days) - Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) in Switzerland
UNICEF ECARO is looking for a qualified Knowledge Management and Communication Consultant to maintain and further develop UNICEF ECARO Evaluation SharePoint and external ECARO Evaluation Web Page.
Consultant(e) International(e) en charge de l’analyse de la situation des enfants dans les zones minières artisanales, Kalemie, RDC, 3 mois. in Democratic Republic of Congo
L'exploitation des activités minières artisanales offre de significatives possibilités pour favoriser le développement économique et social des régions extractives. Dans la région du Tanganyika, plus précisément dans les territoires de Nyunzu et Manono, l'extraction de coltan, de cassitérite et d'or représente l'activité économique majeure. Cependant, l'accès aux services sociaux de base reste limité. Pour faire face à la pauvreté, beaucoup de familles s'appuient sur les ressources obtenues grâce au travail des enfants. Selon les données de la dernière enquête MICS-Palu, 7,1 % des enfants âgés de 5 à 11 ans participent à des activités économiques pendant au moins une heure. Il est essentiel de comprendre la condition des enfants résidant dans les régions de la province où cette exploitation a lieu. Cela permettra de confirmer si les conditions de vie des enfants favorisent l’exercice de leurs droits dans tous les domaines importants (santé, nutrition, eau, assainissement, protection, participation, éducation). En vue de rendre disponible les données sur la situation des enfants dans les zones minières, le Bureau de l’UNICEF Kalemie qui couvre la province du Tanganyika concernée, se propose de réaliser une étude sur la situation des enfants dans les zones minières, en collaboration avec ses partenaires afin de maximiser les ressources et s’assurer que les efforts de cette étude soient intégrés dans les projets similaires des multiples parties prenantes.
Administrative Associate, GS-6, Tarawa, Kiribati, Position # 51900, Fixed Term Appointment in Fiji/Pacific Island Countries
UNICEF Pacific is hiring an Administrative Associate on fixed term appointment to be based in Tarawa field office in Kiribati. Under the supervision and guidance of the Chief Field Office in Kiribati the Administrative Associate is responsible for executing a broad variety of procedural and specialized administrative tasks for the respective section requiring in-depth knowledge of UNICEF administrative procedures, processes and policies.
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