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Consultant Goal Area 3-Child Protection Global Annual Results Report Writer - Ref#579787 in United States
The consultant will be responsible for writing the 2024 Global Annual Results Report for Goal Area 3 (Child Protection). The report will need to respond to the guidelines and timeframe established by UNICEF’s Programme Group for this purpose.
Strengthen Health Management and Leadership Practices across the Primary Health Care (PHC) system, Tanzania mainland. in United Republic of Tanzania
The consultant is required to review and finalize the training guidelines and package, ensuring that they align with identified needs. Additionally, the consultant will develop a comprehensive implementation plan to inform the rollout of Lead4PHC nation-wide, and more specifically in additional districts of Kigoma region as well as in Katavi, Songwe, Dar es Salaam and Mtwara regions. The consultant will work to deliver this under the overall guidance of the Immunization and Integrated PHC Specialist in the UNICEF Health section.
Consultancy: To develop an adolescent Mental health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) training manual and tools for health workers, teachers, and social welfare officers with a focus on adolescents, (40 working days), Lusaka, Zambia in Zambia
Exciting consultancy opportunity to primarily develop an adolescent Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) training manual and tools for facilitators to train and equip healthcare workers, teachers, and social welfare officers (CBVs, CWACs and peer educators) working with and for adolescents in the provision of MHPSS services in health facilities, schools, and communities. The consultant is also expected to develop a MHPSS service directory to strengthen linkages and referral systems in North Western and Luapula Provinces.
National Consultant to support the Education centre of the Parliament of Montenegro in developing a new education module on social cohesion and empowering child/youth civic participation in Montenegro
UNICEF is looking for a National Consultant to support the Education centre of the Parliament of Montenegro in developing a new education module on social cohesion and empowering child/youth civic participation.
National Individual Consultant- Technical support for the development of digital data base for child disability assessment and referral, Home-based, 120 working days in Bosnia & Herzegovina
UNICEF is implementing the IPA2020 project, funded by EU, which includes the development of a digital system for child disability assessment and referral in the FBiH. Following the introduction of this reform, Ministries have allocated budgets and identified local/cantonal institutions as hubs for newly established full-time Assessment Teams. To enhance the efficiency of the new system, which requires referrals to multiple local social service providers, it must be transitioned to a digital platform with several key functionalities. A critical aspect of this system is the monitoring and reporting on the trends and needs of children with disabilities and their families, which will be used for more effective and efficient social service planning and delivery.
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