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Consultant international en charge de l’évaluation finale indépendante de projet PBF initiative 2 Tanganyika, Kalemie, DRC, 3 months in Democratic Republic of Congo
La province du Tanganyika est la quatrième province la plus affectée par les conflits en RDC après celles du Nord-Kivu, de l’Ituri et du Sud-Kivu (BCNUDH). Entre 2016 et 2017, la recrudescence des tensions et conflits intercommunautaires entre Twa et Bantou a mis à mal la stabilité de cette province notamment dans les territoires de Kongolo, Nyunzu et Manono. Cette situation a provoqué des déplacements massifs et cycliques des populations et créé des clivages intercommunautaires ; ce qui a contribué à fragiliser davantage les conditions économiques et sociales des populations déjà précaires.
Senior Operations Associate, GS7, Fixed Term Appointment, Surkhet, Nepal. # 131642 in Nepal
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a dynamic and committed individual to take up the position of Senior Operation Associate to support in the management of operational functions including administration and logistics in Surkhet Field Office. He/She will be hired under Fixed Term Appointment.
National Consultant: Implementing Child -Friendly Early Warning Systems (EWS) to Enhance Child Resilience in Nepal, 10.5 months, Kathmandu, Nepal Country Office in Nepal
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for committed professional and expert to provide technical support to design, implement, and operationalize child-centered risk assessments, integrating the Children's Climate Risk Index (CCRI) Disaster Risk Management (DRM) frameworks, and developing climate- change- calibrated scenarios for targeted interventions. The assignment is for 10.5 months.
Individual National Consultant – Female Leadership and Management Training Package Development in Nepal
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a professional with strong commitment for UNICEF mission. The individual should be an expert in the area of assignment and will be hired as individual consultant to lead the design of a leadership and management training package for female local government officials. This assignment will contribute to results of the Education programme. The consultant will be based in Kathmandu.
Consultant - Analyses of Local Governance and Service Provision for Children and Young People, UNICEF Thailand Country Office, Bangkok, Job No #579969 in Thailand
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is recruiting a qualified consultant to undertake two principal analyses: (a) an analysis of local governance and public service delivery for children, particularly services related to UNICEF Thailand’s programmatic areas2; and (b) a mapping and analysis of the Decentralization to the Local Government Organization Committee (DLOC). Additionally, the role of the consultant includes providing advisory services concerning Thailand’s decentralization characteristics and its ramifications for UNICEF’s programming.
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